New On The Way!!


Old Timer
May 2, 2009
I purchased 3 A. versicolor 1/2" and one P. cambridgei 3/4" last night. I'm so excited!! It was totally worth getting mom mad for a short while. I already have their containers made comfy for them. I wanted to make time for the humidity to rise in the avic containers.

Alas, these will be my last until I can find an affordable place and roommates. Anyone know a friend in California who likes eight-legged things? I'll get her a B. boemi or something. :D

<------- being hyper and random self.

Anyway to block me from seeing the F/S threads? I'll faint if I see P. pulcher slings for under $15 or something like that. {D


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
Congrats!!! Great choices! :D

Haha, I just found out my dad knows about the three I have coming in the mail this week,:rolleyes: mom told me, I don't know how he feels about that, and I don't want to know how he's going to take that I intend to get 3+ more at the reptile show. {D

If I lived in cali I would take you up on the offer, I don't know anyone either, sorry.

and acctually, there is a way! it won't block you from getting into it, but if you scroll down to the classifieds on the right hand side theres a little blue button with a circle and arrows, click it and it will minimize the classified section so you don't see the sub-forum/threads.


Old Timer
May 2, 2009
Thanks Ariel. You probably at least saved me from some temptation.

My dad still doesn't know. So funny. When I told my mom I had tarantulas coming she says, "Just don't tell dad! He never goes into your room so he'll probably never know how many you have anyway." {D

Too bad. It's just on hold though. I WILL get Singepore blues and tons of others on my list. Just not right now.

Ts are #1

Old Timer
Feb 22, 2009
Thanks Ariel. You probably at least saved me from some temptation.

My dad still doesn't know. So funny. When I told my mom I had tarantulas coming she says, "Just don't tell dad! He never goes into your room so he'll probably never know how many you have anyway." {D

Too bad. It's just on hold though. I WILL get Singepore blues and tons of others on my list. Just not right now.
Grats on the versis i just love that T i cant get enough of mine she is just awesome in every way possible, again congrats on expanding the army lol:D


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
Thanks Ariel. You probably at least saved me from some temptation.

My dad still doesn't know. So funny. When I told my mom I had tarantulas coming she says, "Just don't tell dad! He never goes into your room so he'll probably never know how many you have anyway." {D

Too bad. It's just on hold though. I WILL get Singepore blues and tons of others on my list. Just not right now.
no problem, I acctually just learned that myself. :D

same here I've got a HUGE list, right now I'm trying to get just the one on the top, then I'll work on eveything else (especially the expensve stuff) later. I'll see how long it'll be 'fore my dad says "no more" {D unfortunately one of the ones on the top of my list is on hold until I move out because I over exagerated its aggression the first time I told my mom :wall: :wall: stupid me, I want an OBT.


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2008
Awesome! :clap: I take it you have a thing for psalmos?

I would not recommend Singapore Blues (Lampropelma violaceopes) to anyone though. The mortality rate is high, and IME, hardiness has yet to increase with size, and my LVs are approaching 4".


Old Timer
May 2, 2009
Awesome! :clap: I take it you have a thing for psalmos?

I would not recommend Singapore Blues (Lampropelma violaceopes) to anyone though. The mortality rate is high, and IME, hardiness has yet to increase with size, and my LVs are approaching 4".

Yeah, that's probably why this wasn't made my 2nd or 3rd species. I saw a thread on the mortality rate here and I honestly don't think I have experience enough to keep it alive if more experienced enthusiasts are still having problems keeping them healthy. Price in combination with this doesn't help either. If I could have found some the price I found my other tarantulas, I might have given it a chance, but you don't want to blow too much on something that fragile in my P.O.

Someday though, but after I can learn a whole lot more about that species and it's care.


Old Timer
Apr 15, 2009
Nice find! BTW my parents are paranoid every time USPS comes around and leaves me something. I cant blame them. And B.lateralis and B.dubia roaches getting loose around the house from time to time aren't helping. :wall: .

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Nice find! BTW my parents are paranoid every time USPS comes around and leaves me something. I cant blame them. And B.lateralis and B.dubia roaches getting loose around the house from time to time aren't helping. :wall: .
HaHaHa!!! That's how my roommate is too!!! He sees me sitting out front, and before noon on a Saturday morning, the first thing he says is, "How venomous is THIS one?"

Congrats ZF!!! You're going to love those versicolors!!!! Post some pics too..