I'm just shocked i didnt get bit transfering this little monster. Enjoy.
I also recently got a cyriopagopus sp. sling which i'm pretty excited about . I would have posted some pics but my camera is too crappy to take pictures of things that small.
Well doesnt ALWAYS equal boring set-up all my arboreal enclosures consist of a peice of corkbark laid up leaning against 1 side of the enclosure! Maybe give that a try!?
that looks like an awsome cage! i wish i could take the time to make something like that. the only problem i see is lack of furnishing. not necessarily a hide per say, but for the T to construct anything to use as a hide. ive kept OBT's for a couple of years now and ive noticed that if you throw in something for them to climb on or use to build webs you get a less aggressive {slightly....very very slightly} T as getting the chance to watch them eat with a light on {at least my three wont if the light is on,unless they have a burrow} and you can see their webbing, which is stunningly beautiful by the way. if you want pics of my setup for one ill be posting them soon. unfortunatly the only pics i have are of my postultimate males enclosure, and he doesnt web {cries} but overall its an enclosure with lots of potential. Keep up the good work!
yeah I have a peice of cork bark in all of my enclosures along with some fake plants, it is not only pleasing to the eye, but im sure that the T would appreciate a little something to hide/web upon.
If you guys notice in the middle of the enclosure there being a little bit of white in the substrate. Thats a 3" half moon cut pvc pipe filed and covered with substrate to make him feel hidden. As for plants and a real setup. I havent found the right decor. I'm still collecting stuff.
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