New Molts


Old Timer
Feb 9, 2010
Shadow(003) and Midnight(004) molted last night. No pics yet. They are still shy in their new suits. I will get pics up as soon as they decide to model their new look.{D


Old Timer
Aug 1, 2009
Congrats on the molts! :D Hows them three doing now?


Old Timer
Feb 9, 2010
Congrats on the molts! :D Hows them three doing now?
Two have burrowed and sealed in, Number6 and Number7. The other Number5, with the broken leg, does not burrow but uses a hide and has not eaten yet. However, Number5 is active and plump, so I am not worried. The other two, Number6 and Number7 may be getting ready to molt. Your packing did the job.{D


Old Timer
Aug 1, 2009
Two have burrowed and sealed in, Number6 and Number7. The other Number5, with the broken leg, does not burrow but uses a hide and has not eaten yet. However, Number5 is active and plump, so I am not worried. The other two, Number6 and Number7 may be getting ready to molt. Your packing did the job.{D
Glad to hear they are doing good! :D Again congrats on the molts.. I cant wait untill some of my 2'' G. pulchra slings start molt.. :D Gonna take a while! {D

Terry D

Old Timer
Nov 21, 2009
Sealing in, other pulchra notes

Hey y'all,

The 2 pulchra (.75 back in Nov.) I'm keeping used to seal themselves in sometimes as early as 2 weeks before a molt. Now that they've gained some size they've quit. The largest one, Gp1 (Scottie) often feeds a few days before a molt or day before. The smaller one, Gp2 (boo) is catching up and also feeding not long before a molt. They are around 3.25-.5" and 3"........and the 2 best fuzzy, black pet rocks a guy could want. G. pulchra rulz!



Old Timer
Feb 9, 2010
Hey y'all,

The 2 pulchra (.75 back in Nov.) I'm keeping used to seal themselves in sometimes as early as 2 weeks before a molt. Now that they've gained some size they've quit. The largest one, Gp1 (Scottie) often feeds a few days before a molt or day before. The smaller one, Gp2 (boo) is catching up and also feeding not long before a molt. They are around 3.25-.5" and 3"........and the 2 best fuzzy, black pet rocks a guy could want. G. pulchra rulz!

None of my first four sealed burrows for the first molt back in January. And, they all took food right up to a day or two before.
This time they stopped eating back on Feb 5, and sealed the burrows. These two each took three small crickets today. Midnight(004) graced me with his presence today, He is much bigger. I have not been able to measure yet, but there is a definite size gain. I think they may be pushing 3" now, woohooo!
Midnight has also taken to burring his water dish. Based on current conditions and what I have been observing I have taken this to mean the humidity is too high.
Can't wait for Eclipse(001) and Phantom(002) to molt and come out.

Terry D

Old Timer
Nov 21, 2009
Great! but wonder about the humidity thing.

Schoolman, Glad to see yours are doing very well. Both of mine are regular bulldozer/front-end loaders. Gp1, Scottie, constantly fills his bowl, flips his corkbark hide, then totally rearranges the tank- but mostly after a good feed. Gp2, Boo, only does it after a good feed. Both have nearly destroyed their barely still-living piece of carpet moss. At times, Scottie would flip the bowl every day. His (possible male) enclosure would then get on the soggy side and he'd just sit there on the highest piece of ground looking disgusted. Keeping in mind that they originate from pampas grassland, which is quite dry overall depending upon season, I began waiting a day or two before refilling his bowl. He's still bad but his substrate no longer gets overly damp.

Btw, I named him Scottie recently after watching him jump on the crickets. Like a Scottish Terrier on a badger. G. pulchra evidently also has some of the largest fangs in proportion to body size of any tarantula. If you ever looked in the mouth of the dog you'd see the relative comparison of canines to it's size as well. Boo for Gp 1, is fairly self explanatory. Have fun with your pulchra. Keep us updated. Terry D.

Terry D

Old Timer
Nov 21, 2009
Feeding while sealed in

Schoolman, Forgot one thing. As I'd already mentioned a little about (possibly in another post), mine sealed-in 2 weeks prior to a molt for 2 consecutive molts awhile back. During both times, Scottie would leave one end of area sealed in with only a mm or two of peat covering. During the first week on both occasions, I'd move the substrate with a brush and dropped a pre-killed cricket in and he'd eat- sometimes twice in a week- but not for 2nd week. Boo would always cover itself up relatively well. I had the opportunity only once when it wasn't well-covered and fed her a pre-killed as well. Terry


Old Timer
Feb 9, 2010
Molt update

Two have burrowed and sealed in, Number6 and Number7. The other Number5, with the broken leg, does not burrow but uses a hide and has not eaten yet. However, Number5 is active and plump, so I am not worried. The other two, Number6 and Number7 may be getting ready to molt. Your packing did the job.{D
Update on the molt party
Eclipse(001) molted this morning. When I checked on them this morning Eclipse had finished the process Early in the morning, she was still very "blue". Now its Phantom's(002) I expect he will molt in the next few days.
Number5 has sealed itself in the little hide I provided. I expect Number5, Number6, and Number7 will molt soon. I hope this molt begins the repairs on Number5's broken leg.

Terry, I agree with the bulldozer statement. Mine move massive amounts of soil. Even 5, 6, and,7 t only 1" move far more soil than is necessary. They are great. Mine have not do much redecorating, just a lot of digging.
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