New Golden Starburst Baboon

S. Schmidti

Mar 26, 2003
I just got a new 3" golden starburst baboon Fri. to replace the adult female C. crawshayi I lost awhile back.
I was going to wait to get a new spider, but the pet stores here never get any cool T's, and when I saw this little ripper I couldn't pass it up! What's $25 bucks right?
It looked to be pretty dehydrated. The substrate was sand. The water dish was a pill vial lid. The dish was empty and the T's opisthosoma looked rather small. I didn't think this store knew to much about tarantulas. My theory was soon to be confirmed!
I told the teenager working I would take the spider. He was helping some people buying a lizard. They wanted to see him catch the T, so he came over with a crowd in tow.
The spider was in a small PetPal. He took the lid off and touched the spider on the abdomen with his finger. It immediately started to show a threat display. I told him I had read that you don't want to take a hit from a P. murinus at any size, you might want to try a cup. He laughed, told me T's can't do any harm, and proceeded to try to touch the spider some more. Finally, it flipped completely over on it's back with fangs bared. The kid was pretty scared at this point and decided to get a cup. The crowd had cleared out by now. The tenacity of the little spider had definitely put them off!
It's at home now and doing much better. Didn't move off it's water dish for two days. Now it thinks it's arboreal. Came down off the walls to eat two crickets though. It's abdomen is looking a lot fatter than before!
Sorry about the length of this post. I just had to mention the above story!
I do have two questions. The G.S. baboon is a variant of Pterinochilus murinus, right? Different color morphs from varying locations?
Secondly, how easy is it to sex a P. murinus at this size? I believe it is a female. I want a female. I haven't noticed any tibial hooks, and papal bulbs aren't noticeable. At what size do these characteristics show up in males of this species? My spider is 3".
Thank You for taking the time to read this noobie novella, hopefully you good people will answer some of my questions :D Scott


Old Timer
Feb 18, 2003
Pterinochilus murinus (Golden Starburst form)
These aren't so common in the hobby as the popular "Usambara" variant.

Locality data: Angola (single female specimen from Quipungo in 1973), Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo (Ex: Zaire), Kenya, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia, Zanzibar (Tanzania), and Zimbabwe - sea level to 1450 metres (thanks to Luc Ross for the info)



Celestial Spider
Old Timer
Feb 13, 2003
Great story:D
I can tell you a few of my own, but I won't because it would take days! LOL! I just love those STUPID kids in the shops:?

Yes, to the color variation question.
They are different in their respective regions.

I have 2 P. murinus "Usambara" that are orange.
They are super fast as slings. A load of fun to move into
a new home.:eek:

You should be able to tell wether its female or not at that size.
I think the best way(safest way :D ) is to look at its shed skin.

Any more questions just ask away:)


Old Timer
Jan 13, 2003
I have two of these little lovlies, Celeste and Maya, and they are every bit as grouchy as their orange bitey cousins! But gorgeous! Congrats on saving the little girl's life!


Old Timer
Aug 11, 2003
o man i got a story about when i bought my usambara. one of the workers at the petstore tried removing the T with tongs and it ran down the counter under a large pot. he then asked another worker for the leather gloves but the other worker was pissed at him for his stupidity and said he couldnt find them, even though he didnt look. i dont know why he tried transfering the T with tongs when the rest of the workers use the deli cup trick.

S. Schmidti

Mar 26, 2003
My spider has now decided to take up residency in it's water dish. I had the bottom of a water bottle cut off with about 1/4" of water and a piece of slate in it. Woke up this morning to see it in the dish under the rock webbing it all off. I drained the water out with a turkey baster and put in a spice lid for a new water dish.
I tossed in a cricket shortly after, and it is now eating it in it's new "hide". Crazy little spider!