Ok I now thing I want 2-3 of these beautiful lizards..how much do the normal ones go for and how much are the morphs??fires up??? do cresteds have a degree of color change ability??
Yes, they do! They get brighter at night and when they are excited. During the day they pale out a lot.fires up??? do cresteds have a degree of color change ability??
I've seen babies for as little as $30 at reptile shows, but they didn't look very healthy. I think that a reasonable price for a healthy, well-established baby is about $45, but I'm no expert. I've gotten most of mine in trades or when people were moving or something. The ones that I've bought were bought from friends and I got good deals.Ok I now thing I want 2-3 of these beautiful lizards..how much do the normal ones go for and how much are the morphs??