New G.Aureo came in today!


Old Timer
Aug 29, 2008
Well,I've been anxiously awaiting the arrival of the T I ordered from Kenthebugguy. He shipped it Wed. and I called my post office early this morning to see if she had arrived.To my delite she had so I ran down and picked her up. She was packaged very well and walked right out of her cup and into her new home looking amazing with no injuries or problems at all!!! I'm so happy and excited! She's a big girl to! I'll post some pics as soon as I get home and get the chance. Thanks to all those who gave their advice and experience with chacos and thanks to Kenthebugguy for an awesome T:worship: {D :D


Old Timer
Aug 29, 2008
Well, I went to take a few pics of my beautiful new girl saturday night. I hadn't been home in a few hours and came back to find her completely closed up in her new hide. I had provided a burried bark hide in a 10 gallon tank for her, which she seemed to settle in to fairly quickly after her trip. She wandered around a bit the first day but, by the second had mostly slowed down to just webbing a corner with a few plants. I had noticed she decided to try out the new hide before I left earlier that night and was glad to see her settling in. When I returned, she had completely blocked the entrance form inside the hide with a large mound of substrate. It appeared she had webbed the entrance first and then pushed the substrate out through the web from inside the hide! She had refused food the two times I had tried feeding her before this and now she hiding away. I'm hoping she may be getting ready for a molt, she's a big girl though so if she is, I hope it goes well. I'll update as soon as I can get pics or if anything changes.