New enclosure for H. Lividum...


Old Timer
Oct 1, 2009
...ok and it's my first post here too ....I haven't kept T's since I was in my early twenties and they were a mexican red knee and another of questionable origin. But now I have my first old world T, a haplopelma lividum who arrived in a small kritter keeper with potting soil and had dug herself a nice burrow in the two years her former keeper had her in it.
the first attachment is her original can see the plethora of cricket carcasses in there...yuck! So I gave a little room to grow...I got the next size up Kritter keeper and added some drainage holes along the lower edges and a thermometer an humidity gauge, as well as a reptile pad on the right rear. I used a antimicrobial water dish with a cricket 'ladder built in that looks like a stump. The burrow in the new cage was first created by packing the cocnut fiber around a toilet paper tube(I wanted to see her in the burrow since her old one was in middle of cage) during the ever so exciting transfer she went right up to the roof of the new cage until evening when she wandered a bit then created the web you see in the pics in one night. productive!
fyi when i did the tranfer since i wasnt preserving her old burrow(as it was kinda smelly)I first removed all the dirt from around her burrow tube a little at a time throughout the day until all that was left was the debris attached to her web tube...then I slipped a piece of firm cardboard under the burrow and folded it up the side and over the burrow hole(no bites for me!!) then with her enclosed within the cardboard tacolifted the whole thing gently out and into new cage with bare(shaking) hands..where I encouraged her to come out of the burrow. she readily complied and immediatly leapt at my face through the glass(you could see a drip of venom where she tried to bite) the end a very easy transfer and no possibilites to escape!
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Old Timer
Jun 23, 2007
You should make the substrate deeper. Other than that, looks good.


Old Timer
Oct 1, 2009
deeper huh....hmmmm... I was wondering if the whole block of tropical soil was TOO much! thanks for the reply...good to hear feedback on this stuff.


Old Timer
Apr 10, 2008
She doesn't need the heating mat at all. Plus I don't think you're supposed to put those on plastic. It should say that in the fine print on the mat itself. I'll have to agree with making the substrate deeper. You've got the right idea, just need a little fine tuning.

Good luck with her and she's a great looking lividum. I can't wait untill I can afford to get one.


Old Timer
Oct 1, 2009
yes indeed i read the disclaimer but didnt believe a word of made up the terrarium a day ahead of the transfer and checked the heat output...minimal at best...she also has a light on a timer 12 and 12 for additional daytime warmth. we live on a boat in the NW and it gets very chilly even inside at times...the heat mat is on side of tank not under too, i think that makes a big difference...another vote for more substrate..ok then what would be the best way to add without disturbing her fresh burrow(i.e. burying her!)...should I use same coconut fiber as what I got or use a different 'top layer' of substrate for some esoteric reason?

Spyder 1.0

Old Timer
Jan 7, 2007
maybe just pile a mound of dirt on top of her burrow so that she thinks she is deeper under ground. shape is so that the dirt doesn't block off the burrow of course. It will also give the cage a better look rather than having one layer.

Know what I mean?


Old Timer
Oct 1, 2009
in her last enclosure she had made the traditional 'volcano' you think she will do the same here? will she pull dirt from inside and expand her household or drag in debris from the top? I agree spyder that a lil' landscaping would improve the aesthetic of the cage but my minimalist effort is to avoid places a cricket can hide! (speaking of which a cricket wandered into her burrow last night and seems to be stuck...I really dont wwant it in her she safe since shes not molting and will kill it if it bugs her? or should i try to get it out somehow?)