New Emperors


Old Timer
Aug 3, 2003
Hey, im new here and so far, these look like good forums.

This is my first venture into the arachnid world, with my new emperors, besides my millipede which I had several years back.

Im pretty experienced with almost every animal you can get in a pet store including

-Snakes (all species)
-Frogs and Toads
-Rodents, Rats, Hamsters
-Care of small mouse colonies
-Lizards (not really, i just have anoles in my terrarium)

And some other stuff.


I ordered emperors from, which looked like a god place to get them, considering all the exotic pet stores near me were out, and im pretty impatient. They will be here tuesday (im getting two)

Im just wondering if there is anything other than basic knowledge that I should know. Ive been researching for a few weeks and they seem like extermely easy creatures to keep. I have my habitat set up which is a 10 gallon with 6 inches of burrowing substrate, I have a couple fake plants, a shallow rock water dish, and 3 hiding spots. So if you are an experienced arachnid keeper, and you have any suggestions or comments on how I should keep my scorpions, let me know!

I am also considering a centipede in the near future, if I can take good care of my scorpions. I have a slight fear of the little ones around my house, but i think thats just because ive found them in bed before, which is kinda creepy. I think if I had one in a cage, id be fine, just as long as he didnt escape. Security will be something I will look into. Ive had my fair share of snake escapes, but I think a centipede would be a lot more difficult to recapture.


-Costa Mavroleon
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Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002
I posted a link that goes to a site that is all about them here:

It should cover most everything that the Sticky at the top of this page doesn't.

You might want to get a couple different scorps and a tarantula or 2 so you can get used to inverts before you head out and get a centipede as they have a pretty bad attitude naturally and some pretty painful venom if you happen to get unlucky. Plus they are very fast on top of that. But a good beginner species in my book for them would be a Scolopendra polymorpha or viridis as they are smaller and get a bigger one only after you get used to the smaller species.

And welcome to the forums here at Arachnopets!:D


Old Timer
Aug 3, 2003
Yeah, the little ones I see around the house are lightning fast, so I can imagine the speed of a big one. I was thinking of a tarantula as well. I was thinking of a rosehair as my budget is slightly limited, and they seem like a cheap little tarantula. I will have to do a bit of research on them as well.

Thanks for the info!