Found her on my wall, pretty sure she indeed is a she, 'cous she's BIG and the palpal bulbs are, well they aint! and more; gave her an almost grown up cricket (cut of it's head first) just to see what would "happen". She jumped it! fought like mad she did! could hear a very clear "crunching" sound as she drove her fangs in :} It was of course very "live" and kickin! awesome spider this one! anyone know which it could be? I live in norway, dunno if T. Gigantea are found here so... size is about 2,5"
ps: wish we had your huge wolf spiders here.. heard they get about 4"?
Edit: hmm like most of the tegeneria spiders i've found this one lacks a leg.. any idea of moltrates for these bugs (adults)? And I do believe it is a t.gigantea
it looks just like the one here:
ps: wish we had your huge wolf spiders here.. heard they get about 4"?
Edit: hmm like most of the tegeneria spiders i've found this one lacks a leg.. any idea of moltrates for these bugs (adults)? And I do believe it is a t.gigantea
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