new c. rose


Jan 19, 2010
Hi all i picked up my new c.rose on monday and she is gorgeous, im not sure how old she is as she is quite big in size, i had to crash course my tank to get the humidity up but humid is doing great at 80...... prob is she is a fussy cow she wont eat crickets but as soon as u drop a meal woen in theire she is on it like a shot lol..... pics will follow..............#



Old Timer
Oct 14, 2007
80 for humidity is too high for a G. rosea. You should have bone dry sub and a water dish. The water dish is alll they'll need for humidity.


Jan 21, 2007
Congrats! I love my two Rosehairs, and neither are "pet rocks". I def agree with Mack&Cass. Dry substrate and a water dish and she'll be fine.


Old Timer
Jan 9, 2010
Yippeee! Another G. rosea on here:D Read the sticky on how to really care for your rosea. Keeping the room with the T on natural light and sporadic light feedings really do bring them out of 'pet rock' status and ,hopefully, no long period 'off-feeds'. Mine has adjusted and began acting like a 'normal' T ,not a complete weirdo, since I've done this. have fun and pics now, please:D


Old Timer
Feb 26, 2009
80 for humidity is too high for a G. rosea. You should have bone dry sub and a water dish. The water dish is alll they'll need for humidity.
agreed, humidity is way way too high, i wouldnt be surprised if the spider just sat on the side of the tank and refused to touch the substrate. rosies come from one of the driest places on the planet, they do not like high humidity. also humidity like that is almost begging for mites and other vermin to come live in the tank.


Jan 19, 2010
Ugh, common names...
<edit> sorry that i am new to this and cant reel off the name of every spider i am a newbie ok so do me a favour and give me a break yeah..... i just want to care and love my t and if it means comming here to talk and learn about other spiders then whats ya prob?? obviously u had a very misspent youth
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Old Timer
Apr 19, 2008
<edit> sorry that i am new to this and cant reel off the name of every spider i am a newbie ok so do me a favour and give me a break yeah..... i just want to care and love my t and if it means comming here to talk and learn about other spiders then whats ya prob?? obviously u had a very misspent youth
Hey hey hey! Now where did that come from??? I'm pretty sure that he wasn't attacking you as a person!

Common names really makes it hard for us non-U.S. members that never use them, though I guess everyone knows what a Chilean Rose is. Another problem with common names is that some species have very similar common names, and some are made up by the dealer. There are a few threads here about this debate.

Another thing that confused us was the way you wrote it: c. rose. The punctuation suggests a scientific name, not a common name.

Oh, and how he spent his youth is totally irrelevant. The fact that he knows the scientific names doesn't mean he spent his "youth" studying them, just that he takes great interest in his hobby.

Excuse my grammar, you can clearly tell it isn't my first language.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Staff member
Jul 27, 2009
<edit> sorry that i am new to this and cant reel off the name of every spider i am a newbie ok so do me a favour and give me a break yeah..... i just want to care and love my t and if it means comming here to talk and learn about other spiders then whats ya prob?? obviously u had a very misspent youth
Whoa now, we got a live one here, a regular OBT!:eek:

I don't even think that comment was directed at you, let alone directed at your expense. I'm pretty sure Joe was just expressing his disdain for the (mis)use of common names.

As for your your rosea, Mack & Cass et al are right, a waterdish should meet all her hydration needs.


Old Timer
Dec 11, 2008
<edit> sorry that i am new to this and cant reel off the name of every spider i am a newbie ok so do me a favour and give me a break yeah..... i just want to care and love my t and if it means comming here to talk and learn about other spiders then whats ya prob?? obviously u had a very misspent youth
Starting out on this forum and insulting people, is not a logical/ smart thing. You say you 'just want to care and love my t,' so let's start doing that; and stop attacking people that could help you. Common names are a nightmare and xhexdx was simply expressing that. Nothing was aimed at you as an insult, so simmer down.:p The scientific name for your T is G. rosea, I am sure you will find it easy to remember. That isn't the case with some scientific names, but this one is cake!
Hi all i picked up my new c.rose on monday and she is gorgeous, im not sure how old she is as she is quite big in size, i had to crash course my tank to get the humidity up but humid is doing great at 80...... prob is she is a fussy cow she wont eat crickets but as soon as u drop a meal woen in theire she is on it like a shot lol..... pics will follow..............
G. rosea like it bone dry, so I would lower the humidity, let the substrate dry if it isn't and then give your T some time to settle in. Keeping it in inappropriate conditions, can have a definite effect on appetite. Maybe after a few days/ week/ weeks you will try crickets again and she will 'be on it like a shot.':D

I would definitely love to see pictures! I do have to wonder about its enclosure, so maybe you will be able to take constructive criticism on it; if it is needed.

Welcome to the hobby/ addiction and enjoy your new T. Some people say G. rosea are boring and pet rocks, but ours is anything but!:D
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Old Timer
Jul 20, 2007
Hi jayjay,

First off, I'd like to thank you for PM. It got me all warm and squishy inside.

Second, grow up. Excuse me for being a tad confused about your 'unique' style of expressing what species of tarantula you have. Maybe if you stuck with common names (not abbreviating, as you've done) or scientific names, people would be more likely to understand what you're talking about, and understand that you're intentionally wording it that way, and not either confused, misinformed, or simply making a typo.


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Jan 19, 2010
Hi jayjay,

First off, I'd like to thank you for PM. It got me all warm and squishy inside.

Second, grow up. Excuse me for being a tad confused about your 'unique' style of expressing what species of tarantula you have. Maybe if you stuck with common names (not abbreviating, as you've done) or scientific names, people would be more likely to understand what you're talking about, and understand that you're intentionally wording it that way, and not either confused, misinformed, or simply making a typo.


ok well firstly instead of making me feel like a idiot please understand that i am new to this hobbie and dont make me feel like a twit secondly i am sorry but like i said i am new to this so forgive me if i dont know all the scientific names




Old Timer
Dec 11, 2008
ok well firstly instead of making me feel like a idiot please understand that i am new to this hobbie and dont make me feel like a twit secondly i am sorry but like i said i am new to this so forgive me if i dont know all the scientific names


No one can MAKE you feel anything. If you feel your knowledge base isn't broad enough, then fix it. Don't complain that someone pointed out that you were confusing with your thread title. I also was confused by it and wondered if it was a species I hadn't heard of, or someone misunderstanding how to present scientific names. Not a single person has been down on you, because you were unaware of the correct scientific name. You seem to be insecure about being new to the hobby and waiting for someone to belittle you and are interpreting everything as an attack; I see no evidence of one. So, please stop the melodrama, it isn't needed or warranted.

So, let's get back on topic! Where are those pictures?:D


Old Timer
Oct 3, 2007
Welcome to the hobby. Everyone on here was a beginner at some point. Being new is nothing to apoligise for. Being rude and having a bad attitude from the get-go are. Joe is someone you could learn a lot from, if you don't get uppity over him correcting you. You are new, you are going to make mistakes and get corrected. Stop acting like a noob and learn. That is the only way to not remain a beginner.

Start learning the scientific names, because you are not going to be content with this one G. rosea. You will want more, and knowing the scientific names will help you get what you want. This site is a great place to begin. Start in the gallery or the picture thread forum and just read.