No offence but shouldn't you have asked these types of question before buying the animal? Perhaps you should start off with a smaller snake like a Ball Python before taking on a boa because it's obvious you didn't do your homework very these guys actually get 10' and if so how long does it take?
His/Her name is Jazz
and i saw some green tree pythons at the pet store they are so beutiful
Ok, is this necessary? I mean come on...asking questions about housing and substrate and heat and light and all that jazz I can see criticizing after the pet is purchased, but I mean, this was an innocent question about size and how long it takes.No offence but shouldn't you have asked these types of question before buying the animal? Perhaps you should start off with a smaller snake like a Ball Python before taking on a boa because it's obvious you didn't do your homework very well.
To be fair, considering how many larger species of snake get abandoned/set 'free'/kept in too-small enclosures/generally unwanted because people didn't know how fast or how big their new pet was going to grow...I'd say it's every bit as loaded a question as "so I have this pet and don't know anything about care or housing, lolz."I mean come on...asking questions about housing and substrate and heat and light and all that jazz I can see criticizing after the pet is purchased, but I mean, this was an innocent question about size and how long it takes.