New BD


Old Timer
Mar 28, 2006
Got myself a BD at the reptile show in anaheim last month(?) or two cant really remember. Beatiful dragon red morph and is getting redder every shed. I must be doing something right LOL. Anyways I got free dragon last weekend to a little older than mine and slighly bigger but a whole lot chunkier. Here's the two. I'll post some better pictures when I get my camera but I just wanna show of right now. BTW the free dragon is from Daichu bloodline.


Old Timer
Oct 15, 2007
I have a dragon too! ^^ They are as common as mud here. You can get them in every store. Such tame things. I don't handle mine and he's still a big door mat. Mine's mostly a coral but he's got some sandfire blood in him. He's a very fine looking lad.

I wish I could put fake plants in with my dragon - he'd eat them. My dragon's only plot out of the pen is to either get back into it or scurry (which isn't as easy since he reached adulthood I can tell you) up the curtains and try to eat the houseplants. Even if you feed him more dandelion greens than he can eat, and crickets or locusts or whatever he'll still aim for the houseplants because that's the unobtainable goal.

Mine sleeps on my tummy. I don't know why.


Old Timer
Apr 22, 2006
They are very good reptiles indeed. I got 2 last August, and they are growing fast. So tame and very voracious. I like them a lot!

Good luck with yours!


Old Timer
Mar 28, 2006
I have a dragon too! ^^ They are as common as mud here. You can get them in every store. Such tame things. I don't handle mine and he's still a big door mat. Mine's mostly a coral but he's got some sandfire blood in him. He's a very fine looking lad.

I wish I could put fake plants in with my dragon - he'd eat them. My dragon's only plot out of the pen is to either get back into it or scurry (which isn't as easy since he reached adulthood I can tell you) up the curtains and try to eat the houseplants. Even if you feed him more dandelion greens than he can eat, and crickets or locusts or whatever he'll still aim for the houseplants because that's the unobtainable goal.

Mine sleeps on my tummy. I don't know why.
Funny the new one (right one on the picture) eats anything I throw in there. The other one (left) is very picky and will only eat untill he's full. He's picky when trying new things to. He just started eating silkworm but now...there all mostly dead. And has never ate any greens in his life.


Old Timer
Oct 15, 2007
Well when younger some beardies are picky. I had some panic with my Sephiq - he would only eat every other day sometimes. Really wasn't a big eater. And look at him now! I'm tempted for just one day in his life feed him, while filming to show you folks, until he can't eat any more! {D

I'd keep a close eye, not allways but sometimes two dragons in the same tank may get a little anti social towards each other when bigger and that affects eating often too. They might be right as rain but I'd have another tank ready just incase.

They are very pretty indeed :) I'm glad you showed us. any other pictures on the way?? *hint hint!*


Old Timer
Mar 28, 2006
of course;). But he's been like that since before i got the second one. And there not always housed together that was just for the picture. I keep the together for days at a time sometimes becasuse they actually get along. sometimes they climb the same brach and make it to heave so they fall. It's funny to see how the small one is very agile he'll jump like tarzan from branch to branch and the bigger one seems to strugle to climb anything..LOL


Old Timer
Oct 15, 2007
My dragon is a glass dancer. He'll dance on the glass all day but if you go to take him out he'll get really annoyed and try to get back in. He's a lazy dragon but very arboreal for some reason. He shoots up my curtains as soon as he sees them. Then tries to eat THROUGH the curtains beause he sees the houseplants. {D