New baby(s) coming tomorrow


Old Timer
Oct 20, 2008
Hi... new guy on the block... I am awaiting the arrival :drool: of my new A. Versicolor. (Tomorrow??? Free Pterinochilus Murinius with order). I am also expecting a colony [200+ assorted sizes] of Blaptica Dubia. Had an Orange-knee years ago; now thinking of diving (with the wife's o.k.) far deeper into the keeping and quite possibly breeding of our eight legged friends. Just a thought.. if one wanted to do this for profit, rather than for the sheer enjoyment, what path might YOU take?

Thanks for your input...


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2003
Hi... new guy on the block... I am awaiting the arrival :drool: of my new A. Versicolor. (Tomorrow??? Free Pterinochilus Murinius with order). I am also expecting a colony [200+ assorted sizes] of Blaptica Dubia. Had an Orange-knee years ago; now thinking of diving (with the wife's o.k.) far deeper into the keeping and quite possibly breeding of our eight legged friends. Just a thought.. if one wanted to do this for profit, rather than for the sheer enjoyment, what path might YOU take? Thanks for your input...
the only way to do it for profit is to keep to high end species. Problems: Expensive to start you need to buy several and then expect to buy several more later because your first males will most likely mature and die before any females are mature. Your competition is another potential problem but could also be an aid allowing you to split sacs if they have mature females before you and can use your MM. If the species is easy to breed then competition from novice breeders will drive down prices to market levels, if the species is hard to breed much then depends on your luck and ability. Basically it comes down to breeding for sheer enjoyment with no looking to profit and being lucky to hit the market with a species first. Recommendations would be P. metalica or the new Pokie, the Australians that have recently come into the market (you will have competition), Singapor sp 'blue'. Sorry not to be more positive but if getting rich off Ts was easy many of us keepers that have been around a long time would have done it :D


Old Timer
Oct 20, 2008
They're here!!!

{D {D {D My beautiful babies arrived today.{D {D {D The mail carrier obviously didn't know how anxious I was for her to arrive! Both the A. versicolor and the P. murinus seem to have had no ill effects from their trip. I will post pics as soon as I can get a little more organized. Thanks for the breeding info, it sounds pretty much like what I expected.{D {D {D