New Baby House Spider


Aug 24, 2021

So tonight I caught a tiny baby house spider. I noticed loads on my bathroom wall three or four days ago. One stayed on the same patch of wall, a few others are now in other places...they seem to move quicker and be more active...

He appears to be in full form, all his legs ect.. just tiny... I'm sure a house spider. I was just worried he wasn't moving far on the wall like the others have...?

Should I catch some of the others and let them cannibalise?? I just read that on an old thread on here before I joined. Is that the best thing to do, to end up with the strongest; or will he definitely grow and thrive?

To be honest I feel horrible putting more in with him so they eat each other.

So far he's in a tub there is air and I caught two tiny floaty type flies and put them in. I've seen clear ventilated spider habitats on Amazon so will get one this week. Is the one pictured good or recommended?

Will he live? What can I do to improve his chances of survival? Should I catch another for back up?

Are they clumsy at first? He just seemed to be on the wall not getting far when he was trying.

Never had a spider. Want to see him grow

Any advice appreciated

Well funny enough I just felt one on my arm. Another tiny one.. I think looks same species not sure. I got it in the pot too. This one is same size but very quick and running about a lot unlike the other who seems slow and clumsy...

Shall I leave them together and see what happens?

Or of both still alive tomorrow sperate them into their own containers until my proper boxes come


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Malleus Aranearum
Staff member
Mar 7, 2012
He appears to be in full form, all his legs ect.. just tiny... I'm sure a house spider. I was just worried he wasn't moving far on the wall like the others have...?
Which species of house spider is it?

Should I catch some of the others and let them cannibalise?? I just read that on an old thread on here before I joined. Is that best
I wouldn't put other spiders in the same container.

Are they clumsy at first? He just seemed to be on the wall not getting far when he was trying.
Web-building spiders are often clumsy outside of their webs.


Aug 24, 2021
I have no idea what species it is. It's so tiny.

Ok I'm going to find another container now and put them separately.

Do they begin to build webs straight away...??.. possible this second spider is a different species then as running very fast compared to the other but same size.

Thank you for your response and input


Malleus Aranearum
Staff member
Mar 7, 2012
Do they begin to build webs straight away...??.. possible this second spider is a different species then as running very fast compared to the other but same size.
If they're dispersing in your home, they should be capable of building webs. The type of web you will see -- and therefore the most suitable arrangement of anchor points -- will depend on the species.

Cobweb spiders (Theridiidae) build three-dimensional "tangle" webs consisting of a series of sticky trap lines.

Funnel weavers (Agelenidae) build non-sticky webs with a funnel-shaped retreat for the spider. They are fairly fast, especially in their webs.


Aug 24, 2021
Hopefully as they grow I will figure it out.

I've just seperated them.

The first one has started building small web in corner of container it's been in for the last few hours.

🤞🏻 All goes well

Which species of house spider is it?

This is all I could find
.. I think he looks like it ..


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Aug 24, 2021
Will he survive in captivity if I put small flies in with him and few drops of water in a bottle cap or something similar?

Thank you


Malleus Aranearum
Staff member
Mar 7, 2012
Will he survive in captivity if I put small flies in with him and few drops of water in a bottle cap or something similar?
Once it builds a web, it should have no trouble taking small flies.

It probably won't drink from a water dish, but you can drip water onto its webbing.


Aug 24, 2021
By the time I woke up today, he had built a web across one of the corners of the container and was sat on it!

Thank you
Once it builds a web, it should have no trouble taking small flies.

It probably won't drink from a water dish, but you can drip water onto its webbing.