New Article, Turtle Enclosures


Old Timer
Sep 15, 2008
Hi All,

Please check out my new article, Inexpensive Homes for Semi-Aquatic Turtles, Pt. I

Comments and questions appreciated.

Thanks. Take Care and Enjoy, Frank
.... don't mean to bash on you... but I saw that exo terra turtle terrarium before. It's not really fit for most turtle species. You should go on a forum called turtletimes there's many articles on that. In my honest opinion I just think its ussually too small for most turtle species. The most that could go in that is like MAYBE a SMALL mud turtle.

Plus most turtles should have a lid. Whether you think they can or cannot climb out. Trust me. I'ved had the occasional escapee surprise the heck out of me.

Plastic shoe boxes? You're talking about those rubbermaids? Those are good but shouldn't be small. They should be like say 55g.

Even the small turtles. Like say for example an ADULT MALE map turtle of CERTAIN species can stay around 3 inches. BUT map turtles are extremely active little critters AND need PRISTINE water MORE so than another turtle would. Not to say you wouldn't do so with the others. but its basically giving you no room for mistakes there. Plus a smaller tank also gives no room for mistakes.

As for basking sites drift wood is fine. But there's also a neater alternative called above tank basking areas. I think they have some pictures in that site I mentioned.

Sorry don't mean to hijack or anything. nor mean any offense. I just wanted to put my opinion out there as well.

But good job though.


Mar 30, 2011
What breed of Turtle is in that top picture? I love how its shell looks. As hard as Turtles can be to keep, one of these guys might be worth it to me.


Old Timer
Sep 15, 2008
What breed of Turtle is in that top picture? I love how its shell looks. As hard as Turtles can be to keep, one of these guys might be worth it to me.
That's a map turtle. Possibly a cagles( I didn't look for more than a second at the picture). Anywho. Turtles need pristine water. Especially for sensitive breeds like: map turtles, diamondback terrapins, matamatas, spotted turtles, soft shells(they get fungal infection easily) and all other exotics. When you get a turtle you need a very large tank depending on the turtle. There are "hardier" turtles that can tolerate bad water conditions(doesn't mean you should give em that though!) those being: sliders, painteds, musks, muds, cooters, possibly snappers?. Those are the hardier ones I can think of.

Filtration is prefered to be 10x stronger than it would for a fishtank just for fish. turtles are messy. Water changes should be 20-30% weekly. I'd recommend a custom made filter(home made-- its not that hard just youtube it for some ideas) etc.

Good luck if you decide to get one! Word of warning: beware of who you buy turtles from! Some online breeders are bad. So you may want to do some extra research on specific breeders. Look at their background and everything.

For breeder opinions and such look at the "BOI" on faunaclassifieds. They have lots of "Reports" from people who deal with breeders. Good and bad ones. The most common bad breeders well known are: DTS herp inc, turtlesource, turtleshack, turtlesale, and the ones of that sort.

I HEARD that PAUL V. from is actually a good breeder. I'm not quite sure though! never bought anything from him


Mar 30, 2011
Awesome thanks for the tips! I always research my future pets before I can fully consider it. still I'm not sure if I would want a harder turtle to care for, so I might just pass. :) I prefer my Tortoises much easier to care for as long as a good diet and proper husbandry is maintained. where turtles need to have clean water and we all know aquatics are a pain in the ass sometimes!