Hi All,
Please check out: Hatching Praying Mantid Egg Cases to Feed Tiny Amphibians and Invertebrates
“Unfortunately, options for newly-transformed frogs and salamanders, Poison Frogs and other small species and hatchling spiders are limited. A diet of fruit flies, springtails and pinhead crickets sometimes suffices, but as I learned when rearing the endangered Kihansi Spray Toad, other foods are often necessary. Praying Mantid Egg cases (properly termed “oothecum”), which may be collected or ordered from commercial dealers, are a useful but under-appreciated resource for those who keep small insectivorous pets”. Read article here:
Comments and questions appreciated,
Thanks, Frank
Bio: http://blogs.thatpetplace.com/thatr...logist-frank-indiviglio-to-that-reptile-blog/
Please check out: Hatching Praying Mantid Egg Cases to Feed Tiny Amphibians and Invertebrates
“Unfortunately, options for newly-transformed frogs and salamanders, Poison Frogs and other small species and hatchling spiders are limited. A diet of fruit flies, springtails and pinhead crickets sometimes suffices, but as I learned when rearing the endangered Kihansi Spray Toad, other foods are often necessary. Praying Mantid Egg cases (properly termed “oothecum”), which may be collected or ordered from commercial dealers, are a useful but under-appreciated resource for those who keep small insectivorous pets”. Read article here:
Comments and questions appreciated,
Thanks, Frank
Bio: http://blogs.thatpetplace.com/thatr...logist-frank-indiviglio-to-that-reptile-blog/
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