New arrivals - with pics (not just T!)


Old Timer
May 26, 2008
Just received some new critters from a trade. :D

1 female 5" Ceratogyrus darlingi - not supposed to be rare by actually quite hard to find! I tried to show the horn pointing backwards but it's kinda hard. She darted into the hide within seconds so can't really take a good pic of her. And she has a thich abdominal band! Very awesome specie. Last 2 pics is the enclosure - and my favorite "tree" design :D.

1 1.5"-ish Phlogius sp stents - relatively rare Aussie T. This piece of crap is faster than an OBT! Took me several tried to get it into the vial. And after 5 minutes, it began to web things up.

4 small 1"-ish Babycurus jacksoni - they are supposed to be communal so I housed them together. After 5 minutes of scrambling around the tank, they now found they favorite spots to stay. They literally were crawling on top of each other! Last pic is the enclosure.

1 bigger 2"-ish Babycurus jacksoni - this is a nice freebie!
