NEW ARRIVALS!!!! GBB's and P. cambridgei

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
When I started keeping tarantulas, I came across a pic of the GBB and said, ":eek: I WANT ONE!!!!" Well, 10 months later my day has finally come. This morning, I received three GBB slings from Mr. Paul Becker at Pet Center USA. All arrived safely, and in prime condition thanks to Mr. Becker's superb packing job. All three measure out at 1". These things are beautiful as slings!!! I can hardly wait for them to grow, though part of me wishes for them to look like they do as slings when they get older. But it's going to be so fun watching them grow and come into their adult coloration.

Mr. Becker was also kind enough to substitute a P. cambridgei juvie for the P. irminia sling currently being offered as a freebie. This thing is pretty good sized at around 3.5" to 4"....I couldn't quite get a measurement as the thing wouldn't stay still long enough to do so. I was able to get an estimation, but I'm going to wait for it to settle down. Quite the frightened and nervous spider, but relatively calm. No threat displays from this one, but I did get a "false-threat" from one of my GBB's. {D

Sorry about the pic quality. I will have a decent quality digital camera next week, so that should give these guys some time to settle in. I will get some better pics then, and update my photo thread.

GBB enclosures:

P. cambridgei enclosure:

GBB Sling (sorry it's really blurry):

P. cambridgei unpacking:

P. cambridgei settling in:


Old Timer
May 24, 2009
Congrats on your new T's. I've got my two P. cambridgei in the same exact enclosures. I love them. Enjoy!!!

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Congrats on your new T's. I've got my two P. cambridgei in the same exact enclosures. I love them. Enjoy!!!
I will, thank you!!! The enclosure came in a 2-pack. I have my Avic avic in the other one. The GBB enclosure came in a 3-pack, and only cost a buck!!!


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
Congrats on the new Ts!!! And just wait, my P. cambridgei, though stubborn getting into the enclosure, didn't start the whole "kill everything" thing until it was settled in. Of course, I don't know if they're naturally this mean, maybe i just got a vicious one...{D {D {D

Good luck with all of your new little ones!!!

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Congrats on the new Ts!!! And just wait, my P. cambridgei, though stubborn getting into the enclosure, didn't start the whole "kill everything" thing until it was settled in. Of course, I don't know if they're naturally this mean, maybe i just got a vicious one...{D {D {D

Good luck with all of your new little ones!!!
Thanks!!! Yeah, the P. cambridgei was pretty calm going in. Got a ventral view and it looks female, though I'm not 100% sure. I'll post up a ventral shot when I get that camera. I'm calling her "Cassandra" for now; named after an Acid Bath song called "Cassie Eats Cockroaches." {D

She wasn't stubborn at all. Very compliant, though she wasn't having any part of being handled. I did manage to hold one of my GBB's....the one that threw up a threat, LOL. Those ones were stubborn little bugs, too!!!! Took ten minutes each to get them in. Within a few minutes, they were webbing the place up. Now, over 4 hours later they have some nice handiwork to show for it!!! What a great species!!!! :p