I am new to this site and first time tarantula owner. Dont know if a female or male not sure how to identify the sex. I think its a male.... his name is "Fang" ...my daughter named him.
What a lovely spider! That pink on the carapace is almost magenta! Welcome to the board! It's a very helpful welcoming environment. I've gone from 1 spider to 5 since the middle of November! (Don't say I said so, but there are some ENABLERS here!!! )
Oh, and if the spider is a mature male, he will have hooks on the knees of his front pair of legs. Do a search for tibial hooks and you should see a picture. Once you know what to look for, they're hard to miss if present. The female rosea I bought in November was a "guaranteed female", then I came home, read the book and found out I had a male....
Thanks! So far i am enjoying my T and it is a lot easier handling him than what i thought it would be! Lol! I went and recently got a tattoo of him on my arm. Sorry for the bad pic!
Lol! I wasn't so sure of getting one but then i just did it and now i am very happy i did! I am an automotive technician so it doesnt matter if i have tattoos.... i am lucky!
Thanks Truff135! Bayside Ink did the tattoo here in New Jersey. He did it quite quick too...only took an hour from start to finnish! Then he took many pics of it to add to his displays. I was surprised how well it came out. My rosea is pretty cool around people and very rarely gets nervous.... i moved him to a little bigger tank and i keep a heating pad on one side which is maintaining the temp around 80 degrees and the other side is cool. that way he can go to the temp he wants to be happy. He usually stays on the warm side mostly and hides out in a log cave.
Thanks....the white stuff you are talking about in second pic i assume you are talking about the cotton in in the water dish. That was the first pic i took on the first day i got him. He came with the small tank that is in that pic and everything there is what was givin to me. I was told i should keep cotton in water dish so he cant accidently drown in the water. I dont know cause he is my first T and that was what i was told by the guy at the pet shop who supposedly knows about them. I am no expert! LOL! Just learning.
In case you haven't already, ditch the cotton wool. All it does is act as a breeding ground for mould and bacteria. I don't understand why pet shops suggest it :? Just provide a shallow water dish. You might never see your spider drink from it and he might even fill it with dirt or bury it, but it's good to have it available.
And it's ok to be a learner, everyone was once I'm getting my first arboreal spider this week so I have to do some quick learning too
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