Soo I am getting some additions next week and I am soo excited!! I just thought I would tell everyone.. Here is the list..
8 P. murinus slings
1 B. vagan sling (Might have just hacked the spelling on that one..)
1 P. irminia sling
1 A. avicularia juvie (Male for my girl..)
2 P. regalis slings
My new additions are a secret until I have pictures! LOL But the important thing is... I have been waiting for some of them for quite some time, so I am absolutely THRILLED! lol
Dang I should have thought about that..:wall: Oh well now everyone knows.. LoL.. I was just too excited to hold it in.. I have been dying to get a couple Pokies and a P irminia..
Yea I am going to keep 5 of the OBTs communal and the other 3 in their own setup.. I was also thinking about trying a communal with the 2 P. regalis.. BUT I dont think I am going to since I will only have 2.. Maybe I might try this at a later time..
Do let me know how your OBT communal goes! I really want to try one... but I don't think I could bring myself to do it... I would feel bad if any got eaten
Sure thing.. As soon as I get them I am going to get them setup and post pictures.. And I am gonna feel bad if one gets eatin to.. If that happens I will seperate them quick.. But I have been wanting an OBT communal sooo I am going to give it a try... And I will keep you updated on it..
Yeaaa I trade my juvie male OBT for them... When I packed him up... OH BOY!! I did it in the bathtub.. Yeaa that trick DID NOT work for me.. It ran up the bathtub on the wall... Scared the crap out of my camera woman (My sister..) Soo with that I didnt get a good enough video... But finally I got him in.. I aint gonna lie I was nervous the WHOLE time.. LoL! I know xhexdx has a communal OBT setup and has had sucess you arta give it a try.. (Temp Temp)
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