Are Nephila spiders legal here in the US? I see them offered every now and then on various lists,but not on any american lists.I am not trying to aquire any,just wondering if they are legal or not.Thanks!
I know at least one species lives in the southeastern u.s. (Nephila clavipes), and you see the Madagascan kind every now and then for sale, but if they allow all those exotic tarantulas here, I dont see what the problem would be for hem to allow OTHER exotic spiders
yes, there are n clavipes down here in florida. i'm not sure if they were introduced at some point, or have been here, but theres a bunch out in the woods.
N. claviapes is native to the US and ranges from south east Virginia down through Florida, the Gulf Coast, and Central and South America. In NA, it is generally found in the coastal region. This species is offered for sale periodically, but usually by Florida dealers where they are much more common.
Exotic species turn up in the trade from time to time. Unlike the popular tarantulas and scorpions, Nephila don't do well in deli cups for long periods, and probably dealers don't get them because they end up dying before they get sold. Also, they are much shorter lived to begin with. I suspect that the turnaround is much quicker in Europe as they are closer to African and Asian regions where so many species are exported from, as well as the fact that there is a much greater hobbyist interest in Europe in arenomorph spiders than in the US. Hopefully, that will change wth time!
In short, it's a supply and demand thing. If the demand were greater, there would be more offered for sale.
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