Hey guys, so I’ve been raising a beautiful caribena versicolor (pink toe) tarantula up until just about recently when I had to give him away due to the fact that I’m moving into dorms soon and can’t bring my critters with me.
I’ve been wanting to get rid of them but I REALLY don’t want to kill them and I definitely don’t want to release them somewhere where they’d multiply and later raid other residential areas. I called all of the pet shops around me and they said they don’t hold any as well. Anyone have any ideas on what I can do? Again I don’t want to kill them
I’ve been wanting to get rid of them but I REALLY don’t want to kill them and I definitely don’t want to release them somewhere where they’d multiply and later raid other residential areas. I called all of the pet shops around me and they said they don’t hold any as well. Anyone have any ideas on what I can do? Again I don’t want to kill them