Need some personal experiences on these Spiders


Old Timer
Apr 14, 2003
Hi All On Fri we will be receiving these spiders and I am wanting some personal experience info on these spiders.

Acanthoscurria geniculata (1/2")
Brachypelma albopilosum (2.5" to 3")
Brachypelma auratum (1/4")
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens (2.25")
Poecilotheria ornata (1.25")
Psalmopoeus irminia (1")
Chilobrachys huahini (3/4")

Just to give you the complete list. (Already have or had one)
L.Cristata (1/4")
T.Blondi (1")


Old Timer
Feb 10, 2003
B. albo-

Mine is big and beautiful, but kind of shy. She ate right up until 2 days prior to molt. She dances in a circle when se captures her prey :D , and she builds really cool dirt mounds......

I keep her on straight peat with a nice flower pot hide, a large water dish which I overflow every now and then. About 3 inches of peat since she likes to push it around so much.


Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002
A.geniculata - Fast growing and love to eat. Even the small ones will give a threat posture. Get's big

B.albo - Another fast grower and loves to eat. Fairly "friendly" though some like to kick hair

Enjoy your "T-fix" :D


Old Timer
Dec 23, 2002
A. geniculata:
Mine is about 1,5" maybe a bit larger. She is aggressive to the extreme. Everytime I open the lid she comes out. If I e.g. come to near with the forceps to take out food remains, she doesn't show threat but bites immediately. Often seen outside her shelter. One of the most beautiful T's. Grows fast. Eating machine...

Brachypelma albopilosum:
My lady is about quite big. She is totally relaxed and good to handle. Sometimes she does not show or eat for several weeks although she doesn't molt. The rest of the time she wait at the entrance of her burrow for some locusts to pass ... :) . IMO also a very beautiful T.

Psalmopoeus irmina:
My juvie is about 1" and got the stunning coloration after the last molt. She is sweet and small and really beautiful. She is very fast. Hides during day but is very active from dusk on. Seems to be curious. Grows like hell. Before a molt she refuses food for some time.

Hope that helps...


Old Timer
Mar 10, 2003
I have two A. geniculata slings that have just reached the .5" mark. Since hitting the .5" mark they both have taken an interest in burrowing. I had a small burrow I made for them against the side of the jar that they didn't use and now they have expaned on what I started and dug about halfway arounf the perimeter of the baby food jar and added a second entrance/exit. Mine haven't shown any defensive signs and usually just run for their burrows hen I open the jar but they will take a cricket out of tweezers when I hold it over their burrow opening. Great eaters, fast growers and so far have shown alot of change after each molt(brightening of the white bands, more colored hair on the abdomen). They are great and fun slings raise, IMO.


Old Timer
Aug 19, 2002
Genic fast growing easy to keep great eaters great display species impressive adult size and great looks

albopilosum hobby classic again very easy to keep nice looking when fresh molted usually quite calm

auratum pretty much a different looking smithi

GBB as bullet proof as slings get very tough to screw up with awesome coloration fast growing

ornata great looking poke gets real long and leggy easy to keep as most pokes are

irminia fast growers awesome looks easy to keep tad on the fiesty side

huahini subdued but still nice coloration get pretty large fiestier than many species :)

Didn't feel much more detail was needed as all are easy to keep species but if you need more specific info feel free to ask.
