Need Info on Haitian Browns

The Juice

Old Timer
May 24, 2003
I am thinking about getting a haitian brown, But I would like a little info first like are they Good dispaly T's, Fast growers, Aggresssive, and aggressive eaters, Do they burrow? can't seem to find any info on them thanks:? :confused:


Old Timer
Oct 11, 2002
1. yes, they are out in the open most of the time.

2. being tropical they are fast growers, but it all depends on food regimine and temps.

3. they will not hesitate to bite if they are cornered. Not handable.

4. they are great feeders and will eat anything they can take down.

5. they will normally not burrow. Mine do an aweful lot of dirt moving though.

Lastly they are from the island of Hispanola (Dominican Republic and Haiti)



Priestess of Pulchra-tude
Old Timer
Oct 12, 2002
Originally posted by dirtyduck
I am thinking about getting a haitian brown, But I would like a little info first like are they Good dispaly T's, Fast growers, Aggresssive, and aggressive eaters, Do they burrow? can't seem to find any info on them thanks:? :confused:
My experience is that they are excellent display T's, moderately fast growers, and VERY aggressive eaters. In fact, I have used mine in the past for feeding demos because they are so reliable (and dance so exuberantly while they eat!).

I have never found mine to be at all defensive, but this is not their general reputation, so I would advise caution in your dealings, at least until you come to know your individual spider's temperament. Mine aren't in burrowing set-ups, so I can't speak with authority on this, but I have heard that in the wild they tend to take refuge in already existent burrows and shelters rather than making their own. This is consistent with my own observations, as I haven't observed mine doing much earth-moving, and they make little or no use of their hides.


Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
This was the very first T I had back in 1981. Made me nervous to say the least. It only lived a few years in my care, which in hindsight was probably due to my lack of knowledge on keeping them (tropical burrower on shallow gravel was probably not the brightest idea - so if you think there's not much info now, HA!)

I now have a small juvenile/large sling (it's at that bridge point) and I am doing much better this time around :)

They are a bit nervous and *fast* and will wrestle down food larger than themselves. They are also very attractive for a "brown tarantula". Care is easy so long as you give them enough substrate to burrow if they want although most seem to hang out in the open waiting for food.


Old Timer
Jul 1, 2003
im also thinking about getting myself a subadult Haitian Brown. how important is humidity for them? when i read caresheets on L.parahybana's they all say 70-80ish% but then people here say its not that important. and the T.blondi needs a humid set up. which category will the Haitian Brown fall into, needs or suggested ?


Old Timer
Aug 19, 2002
Humidity wise while they are certainly not a dry species like a smithi they don't have to be kept at %80 either. I have been keeping them just fine on pretty much dry substrate with a water dish and all are well. In truth there are not too many species that won't do fine with just a water dish so long as it is kept full. The humidity issue is greatly over emphasized and I seriously doubt any species needs %80 as that is mighty high.

Once an eggsack is laid that is a different story as the eggs need high humidity but for the spiders themselves less is usually better than keeping them on damp substrate.



Old Timer
Jul 1, 2003
Originally posted by dirtyduck
Any caresheets for them anywhere?
click on the "tarantula" tab on the top of the page, it will then bring you to another page with a tool bar on top. click on "tarantula" again and a tab will come down and go from there.