By "hoosier," Lox just meant that it was from Indiana. It is a brown recluse.I've never seen those before! Awesome! How venomous are they compared to the brown recluse?
Black Widow88![]()
We have several. The species you're referring to is Loxoceles deserta. We also have L. laeta and maybe one or two others.I believe there is a Loxosceles relative native to the deserty areas of the Western US, but I don't think it's venom is near as toxic as reclusa. If I am wrong, someone please correct me. I just think I remember reading that in an Audubon Guide book.
Our old rental house was infested with L. reclusa, creepy-arse spiders. I can tolerate most, but the creepy brown leggy ones are just too much. Similar to my severe distaste for camel crickets, same principle.
They used to run over my lap while sitting on the couch, and after finding one in my pant leg from a pair of pants that slipped off a chair in the living room as I stuck my leg in, that was enough for me. We bought several of those "hobo spider traps" that are apparently laced with a pheromone, and coincidentally they did work equally well for L. reclusa. After a few years of the traps and smashing or spraying any we found, we didn't see any for a couple years more till we moved out.
laeta are not harmless from what i have read. all idications are they are basically twice as long and twice as venomous... meaning 16x the destructive potentialWe have several. The species you're referring to is Loxoceles deserta. We also have L. laeta and maybe one or two others.
All essentially harmless, unless you stick your foot into the wrong spot.
There's a dorm building on the ISU campus which has a population estimated at 10,000+ and there's never been a bite.![]()
Can they eat cars?laeta are not harmless from what i have read. all idications are they are basically twice as long and twice as venomous... meaning 16x the destructive potential
i believe we (CA/SoCA) have something like 5-7 Lox sp. with most being native and laeta "Chilean recluse" and maybe one more being introduced. no established reclusa though
oh, i fully agree that reclusa bites are highly overly diagnosed and not likely to result in much of anything if they do actualy bite youCan they eat cars?
Just to clarify...when I say 'harmless', I mean not likely to hurt you. Recluse bites are greatly over-exxagerated in terms of how commonly they're diagnosed.
I live in NYC too! Awesome! And I have no idea how to help you because I would never even think of keeping one of those.Anybody ou there with live loxosceles for sale? I want to perserve them after they die for AMNH COLLECTION here in NYC. Cheers, Tom.
Oh I agree on that. Before I knew this I actually believed what I was reading before I knew that they were ODing.Recluse bites are greatly over exaggerated.