Need help with a Boa constrictor

Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
It's a friends boa, not mine but I wanna try help out nontheless by asking you guys what's up with his snake.

She's now about 6ft long, she looks really well fed. Last feeding was about 2 weeks ago (1 adult rat).

About a week ago the snake startet hissing during the night, though instead of an annoyed hissing it seemed to be more of a coughing hiss. After a few days the snakes mouth was checked out and some dark blobs were found stuck in the mouth, said to mostly resemble possible substrate remnants. Some of them could be picked out, others for example on or arround the breathing tube couldn't get picked away (they were stuck) and he's not sure if they are a foreign substance or something that has grown in the mouth. He didn't try too hard getting that stuff out of the mouth in order to not stress the snake too much.

Besides the blobs there was another abnormality found in the mouth, in the form of scum or a lot of thick bubbly saliva.

I had the opportunity to see the snake for myself yesterday while I stayed at my friends house for a couple hours. Most of the time the snake was just resting normally and it looked just normal and well, but we took it out of its tank for a brief period to change the substrate. While the snake was held it would open its mouth a bit, the scum being visible again and it would make slight hissing noises again, though it didn't seem to be annoyed at all.

So does anyone know what's up with the blobs, the hissing and the scum? :?

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
Cirith Ungol said:
coughing hiss...dark blobs were found stuck in the mouth...Some of them could be picked out, others for example on or arround the breathing tube couldn't get picked away (they were stuck)...Besides the blobs there was another abnormality found in the mouth, in the form of scum or a lot of thick bubbly saliva...While the snake was held it would open its mouth a bit, the scum being visible again and it would make slight hissing noises again, though it didn't seem to be annoyed at all.
VET. NOW. Do not ask the internet, do not pass Go, do not collect $200.

I'm not familiar with this species in particular, but it sounds like a combination of a nasty respiratory infection and some sort of fungus or mouth rot. The infection is a sure thing at the very least. That snake needs immediate medical attention.

EDIT: Also, what the heck kind of substrate does your friend use? There is absolutely no reason for even suspecting substrate in the snake's mouth. Does he feed in the normal enclosure on any kind of loose substrate? If so, that needs to stop.


Old Timer
Jan 17, 2006
Yea I agree iwth something sounding serious like that I would just go straight to the vet.


Old Timer
Oct 18, 2004
Yeah me three's. Find a vet NOW. It sounds like a respriatory infection and mouthrot, nasty combo.