Need Help "Re-Homeing" Dog


Old Timer
Oct 8, 2007
Well, One of my two dogs needs to be re-homed, and I need as much help as possible. First I will say I will not take her to the pound, no matter what.
She 5-6 year-old Cocker spaniel mix. She very, very smart. Obeys well. Is Off-leash trained.
The problem we are having is she is a fear biter, and My mom has two younger kids. That’s the only thing keeping her from a "No Kill Shelter" is because they do put down a dog that would bite, and she would be so scared there that they couldn’t deal with her.
What I need to do is either find a rescue that would help her,
or someone willing to take a dog that has no kids, and no other dogs. She’s great around cats.
It’s hard to explain why she bites but they best way to explain is she ONLY bites if she gets too scared while being "punished" (It’s really just a strong no) or if she gets hurt by someone. (Like if accidentally step on her tail or something) Now the bite really isn’t a bite it’s a nip.

I live in La County

Also One more thing to say is I have been working with this dogs for 3-4 years, I haven’t been able to get her out of fear-biting. I’m good at training dogs, but I, sadly, haven’t been able to help this dog.
So any tips on training will not help because I have done everything I possibly can.

Thanks for Your help, here are some pictures of her.



Old Timer
Jan 8, 2008
about how much does she weigh? Does she get along with other dogs? I talk to rescue groups all the time, and might be able to help you find a group that can deal with her.


Old Timer
Oct 8, 2007
She weighs about 27 pounds. If she is introduced right(Very slowly), she's "Okay" with dogs as long as no food is around.


Old Timer
Jan 8, 2008
hmm... Most rescues are pretty full, but a lot of them will let you foster the dog and bring her in on adoption days... Or you could post an ad on craigslist... It might take awhile, but with a bit of effort, you can find her the perfect home.
If you go that route, don't mention fear-biting in the ad. Say that she's good with cats but not with dogs or kids. Then if anyone contacts you for more info, you can explain the situation a bit better. If you put the word 'bite' in the ad, it will scare people away. If you say no kids or dogs, that should weed out anyone she would be problematic with, anyways.
Another thing to do is say "adoption fee negotiable" even if you are willing to let her go for nothing. That's what we've done in the past with rescues. It will weed out the people looking for bait for fighting dogs and whatnot.
Anyways, I'll look for a few rescues that might be able to help... Off the top of my head, I can only think of some that only pull dogs from shelters, but I know there are others out there. My job involves me to go to different petcos on weekends, and I have a lot of down time, so I talk to a lot of different rescue groups...


Old Timer
May 9, 2008
If you go that route, don't mention fear-biting in the ad. Say that she's good with cats but not with dogs or kids. Then if anyone contacts you for more info, you can explain the situation a bit better. If you put the word 'bite' in the ad, it will scare people away.
I think that's deception.


Old Timer
Oct 8, 2007
Thanks For your help, I'm hoping I find something for her.

and anyone else with suggestions are very helpful.


Old Timer
Feb 23, 2008
Someone with a strong alpha personality would probably be able to get her into shape.

edited to add:

Its not deception. If you say "not good with kids or other dogs" that pretty much means there's a chance she'd bite kids or dogs.
While that argument might work in court (lawyer talk), most real people would dump the dog off in a shelter where it will be put down, if it bit someone. Where I grew up people shot their dogs when they bit a human.


Old Timer
Oct 8, 2007
Someone with a strong alpha personality would probably be able to get her into shape.
Sadly, That is the Type of personality I am. Any dog that is in my house listens(Including stray "Aggressive" dogs) to me, But my "Alpha Personality" scares her. That's the biggest problem I have with her. If I scold her, It scares her, then she nips. If I didn't ever, ever scold her for something she did wrong,and the other thing that I have to scold her about is jumping on the slider, and there was no other kids or dogs in the house, I wouldn't have any problems with her.

She honestly would be the perfect dog for an Elderly women that didn't have young kids around.