my male GBB used to have a lovely web that i destroyed. i had to get him into a new tank so his old web is now history. he also molted this past month and is still thin. i didnt have much to feed him except a cricket and some moths, but that was b4 his transfer. still thin and no new web, but he has put down a mat of webbing, but hasnt used the halved flower pot hide i gave him. today i finally gave him 2 crickets and is currently eating both at the same time, gotta love a T that chases 1 crick while eathing another ;P . so when he gets back to a healthy looking state, do you think he will create another web? do they need to have food in their system to create webs? or is he just pissed at me and thinks if he creates a new web that id take it down again (its my 2nd time transfering his tanks, so 2nd time destroying his web)?