need advice


Old Timer
May 14, 2005
my de hanni is currently at the front of her cage laying eggs. i was just curious is anyone has any tips or info for me. i wanna see some little pedes soon.......i really hopes this works
please any info???


Old Timer
May 14, 2005
this is what i did....let me know if it sounds right

i took her from the rest of the inverts i have...i put her in a linen closet...covered the kk with a sheet of saran wrap to keep the humidity up..its got a couple of holes in it for ventilation....i also put a big jugg of water in the closet to make sure it dosen't dry out...its a closet i don't go in i won't bother her.....let me know if you guys have any tips for me.


Old Timer
Jan 3, 2007
I don't have any experience with a centipede on eggs, but from what i have read. you should leave them in a dark spot w/ as little disturbance as possible, check on it occasionally to make sure that the eggs are not eaten and that the substrate is not dry (very important). and congratulation you are a very lucky man! keep us posted on her.
good luck,


Old Timer
May 14, 2005
anyone have anything for me??

i suprised you guys are usually full of info
i just kinda want to know how long of a wait i have?
do i keep them in with their mom?
how soon do i feed?
when do i have to seperate if i do leave them in?


Old Timer
Jul 4, 2005
Son of a diddly, I thought you would have had more posts under your thread too. I know people have had different experiences so I don't know how important details really are. I'd just make sure it doesn't dry out and try to keep it pretty dark (at least no bright light), and try not to disturb her with the eggs/babies. But like I said, people have had different experiences. I found a Scolopendra heros castaneiceps last year with babies by a lake. I scooped her up, scooped up the babies that had fallen all over the place and put them in a container. I drove home in my bouncy Toyota truck. I watched them grow up and leave the mother. From what I had read, I expected her to eat the babies but it didn't happen. I let most of them go. I don't know what causes the egg/baby eating thing. Maybe not fertile? Maybe too dry so the eggs desiccate and die(?). Did the pede lay the eggs right out in the open, or did you watch it under an object or the surface of the substrate by looking through the plastic side of the kk? As far as separating and feeding, I just wait until they leave the mother. As soon as they do that, they will eat. They will eat sooner but that's just what I do. I experimented a little and fed the mother a pre-killed cricket and there were no problems. I don't recommend that though. It was just something I tried. If you did it that way, I'd say a few months from eggs to individual pedes. But I've only had experience with the local S. polymorpha and S. h. castaneiceps laying eggs. I have one subspinipes and it's the only one I've ever had.
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Old Timer
May 14, 2005

thanks for you info..she did lay the eggs right out in the open i only have about an inch of substrate in the cage with her and a big piece of corkbark. she's my showgirl thays why i keep her that way all my other pedes have at least 6inches or so of substrate. i woke up the 1 morning and she was in the process of having an egg pop out of her and i saw about 10 or so already on the i sat and watched for a while but she was very still never moved at all for at least 15 minutes or so. then all of a sudden another egg was coming out with no movement from her. it looked like it is really hard on them to lay the eggs. i have her kk in a glass showcase with glass doors so i can lock it when there might be people over that might be stupid enough to try to touch. so i was nervous about moving the cage while she was in the process of laying the eggs. but i did it anyway. i put her in a dark closet so she could have quiet because she is right out in the open. but today as i was checking on her in the closet (i know i should leave her alone but i have to look i'm so curious) i've seen her cleaning the eggs and she is wrapped around them so tightly that you can't even see the eggs. they look like really good mom's so far. but while she was cleaning them i was able th see the eggs it looks like they have a real small black spot in the middle of them. and they are an amber but kinda yellow in color. and seems to be about 30 or so eggs. i will keep you guys updated if anyone is interested. i will try to take pictures on a regular basis too since she is right out in the open and it would be easy to do if i just had a camera but i'll try
thanks again guys
still would like more info if anyone has any personal experinces


Old Timer
May 14, 2005

she's still tending to her seems that the rotate the balls of eggs around and she cleans all the eggs to be able to see right out in the open...still gonna try to take pics..........again if anyone has any info for me...please
thanks again


Old Timer
Jul 4, 2005
All right:cool: ! Sounds like it's working out so far. Pretty interesting, right?... Be a lot cooler if you had some pics.... :rolleyes: