I've never been to Daytona I'd like to make it down there some year though. I've been going to the NARBC show in Tinely Park, IL since it started 4-5yrs ago. Its a very well done show!
I'm going on the 23rd.
Does anyone know if anyone will be selling vision cages like this one there? I want to get 6 of them or more but I REALLY dont want to pay shipping.
I went to Daytona in 2003 and had a blast its a great show. There was over 400 tables there so many different animals all under one roof. I was going to come back with only 4 california kingsnakes but 4 turned into 7 and then 7 turned into 11 and 11 turned into 18 then 18 turned into 36 at one time.
I don't have as many as I used too lol but I do want to go again to that show.
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