Rick got his new Savannah monitor yesterday and it is soooo cute! It's so curious and active. It's going to be a great pet. He hasn't named it yet and I was wondering if y'all had any ideas?
I named my first monitor Joka, which is swahili for "dragon" according to this dictionary. Lots of good ideas in there, though it appears to be down.
My current monitor is Behemoth, though you can't use that because it has been taken.
My next male monitor will be McDoogal. It is more likely I'll get a female and try breeding, though. Still, that will be a few years when I have some more space and time .. well, at least space.
My monitor from years back was named Pixel. A friend of mine came up with it, and I liked the pun. He definitely grew into it. I'd really like to get another one, but when I think of the space and expense I think "maybe in five years". I can probably feed all my tarantulas and then some for less than it would cost to maintain a single monitor. They're so tempting, though.
Varanus exanthematicus - savvy. I don't know about the cost -- I can get a lot of the food for him pretty cheap because I order frozen chicks/rats bulk for the other things anyhow and a lot of the rest comes from the grocery store. The time and dedication is a completely other matter, though. I easily spend more time on Behemoth than everything else combined -- and this is regardless of the fact that I go out of my way to make things easy and have a huge 600gph custom filter on his water dish so that I don't have to do daily water changes. That is just feeding/socializing and scooping the "pond."
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