Naked Babes

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
In both That and English, a post on the doors of the bathrooms.
There are two or possibly more naked young ladies roaming around the downstairs kitchen. Please use due caution when moving around in the downstairs areas especially watching the floor.

We are presently hosting five people for several days and upon going downstairs I was delighted by the presence of two beautiful Sparassid gals cruising the floor but became concerned over their welfare. Hopefully my signs will get everyone's attention.

Edit: I was just asked what should be done if one of the spiders is noticed.
Reply, approximate. "Best move is to get down on your hands and knees and blow on it from a few inches while trying to encircle it with your arms. It will run away very quickly. Pursue until it goes and hides. If you are lucky enough to have one climb up on you quickly go outside and call me. I'll make sure you are free of it and it has gone off into the wilds."

(Interesting cultural takes. The Thai people present are casual and unconcerned as they know all spiders are harmless. The European and American are both if the far stages of freak out. -Harmless. Only very recently have we had Latrodectus turn up in country and they are ultra rare. All other spiders are meh. So what? Kids often regard them as toys.)
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May 28, 2020
Took me moment to realize what you meant. That is truly a hilarious yet hectic ordeal. Hope it all gets sorted without issue 🙏🙏🙏.

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Into and back out of the cup is measured in nanoseconds. I try to get them to climb me but they usually prefer flat floor race tracks. In full on blitz mode they serve to show the human race how slow and clumsy they really are.

Best comment on Sparassids so far: "Trying to catch them with your hands is like trying to fend off a hungry lion with your farts."
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