Mystery bug bite, need i.d.


Old Timer
Jun 4, 2006
I had these bites for most 3 days i've noticed on my lower belly, and yesterday they were a bit itchy, but nothing more and itching has decreased. I cant figure out what type of bug did this though it's very odd, can anyone help?


Old Timer
Apr 11, 2007
Have you been in the woods lately? I once got into a batch of larval ticks that basically did this (except 100x worse). They dug in more or less like chiggers and were mostly right around my beltline and socks. If that were it you'd be able to see the tiniest of black dots in the middle of the bite, that's the tick.

There are probably at least a dozen other little buggies that could be responsible for this though.


Old Timer
Jun 4, 2006
No I havent been in the woods lately, i've been in my yard but it's not even close to wooded and ticks are pretty rare in my area. I looked at the bites with a light and magnifying glass and dont see any black specs.

I was thinking mabye bed bug or flea, I do have 2 cats that sleep on my bed all the time and even though my bed was just cleaned and sheets washed the fleas could have hid in my rug. We havebt gotten their flea meds yet but this is around the time when the fleas start to show up.
I was worrying bedbug only becuase I read they bite in a straight row, if that's the case I would need to know if the house need to be inspected. We recently moved stuff out of an old house so mabye I got bit there?


Old Timer
Apr 11, 2007
Yeah, I don't know anything about bedbugs, fleas are a good bet this time of year though. Some people react badly to fleas. I have a friend who busts out in big nasty blisters from flea bites.

Good luck figuring it out. We've already exhausted my rather limited body of knowledge on this particular subject.


Old Timer
Nov 11, 2008
Fleas are a high possibility. Turn a blacklight on tonight if you have one and light the mattress up with it. You may be able to spot the culprit. ;P Trade ya for a bad sunburn and heat rash. The back of my knee is driving me up a wall. You may have tracked a couple fleas in and didn't know it. Bathe the cats too if you can.

Sprinkle some boric acid and work it into the carpet with a broom, walk on it for about a week so it will work it down into the backing, then vacuum up the excess. Just make sure not to get it in the T cages. If there in the room you can remove them long enough to spreed it out so anything the the air wouldn't be carried into the cages but the dust from it isn't so bad you couldn't say drape a sheet over the cages while you spread it out. If you can put it into the backing of the mattress, couch, rugs, and chairs it may help. It wont be a quick fix since they need time to become exposed to it and for it to take effect. The walmart here sells it labeled roach stop or at least used to. It's basically this

A bomb will take care of a lot of them at once but the down side is the clean up after wards and getting you inverts out during the the time. Your going to have to air it out and wipe everything down. Bombs work best if you can do the whole house and close it up tight for 24-48 hours. After wards clean clean clean everything.


Old Timer
Jun 4, 2006
I do have a blacklight and white sheets so if they are there I should see them then.