My Two Newest Ts Webbings/Burrows So Far.


Old Timer
Mar 30, 2008
You can't actually see the ts cause there in the burrows/webs.

First Up Is My Orange Starburst Baboon. (Pterinochilus murinus)
Hes actually inside the clay pottery in the pic. Most of the time hes up in his loft tho. He was munching a cricket in there. You can tell hes both terrestrial and arboreal.

Next is my Fort Hall Baboon. (Pterinochilus lugardi)
I'm going to get him some decor soon so i can see if hes got any arboreal in him. But so far hes got him self a good burrow going with about three total entrances. He stays under ground during the day.

I'd like sum suggestions for some good decor my lugardi might like. If nothing else i have green vine and plenty of driftwood and can cut to fit.

Enjoy the pics. I know i love to see the webbings/burrows of other peoples ts so please post em if you got em. Thx!