I won't ever have as impressive a collection of T's as everyone else, but I'm proud of the two I have. My A. purpurea, Purpurescent, refused to come out last night so I had to clean around her web tube. Thats generally all I ever see of her so I have very few photos. The picture is from 5-27 when I first saw that she had built it and I wanted to get a photo in case it did too much damage cutting it off her water bowel so I could clean it out.
I'm going to wait until my giant is bigger to figure out what it is since everyone says hes not the Goliath he was sold to me as. Which that also doesn't matter because I'm thoroughly enjoying watching this guy (or girl) grow up. He stands on the front glass when he wants to be fed and still does well with handling, even though these photos are the fourth time holding him in the four months I've had him. No racing around or hair kicking, very calm. Not a big Harry Potter fan, but I decided to call him Aragog (or Mosag if a girl) since thats the only giant spider I could remember from movies or tv.
I don't think people usually weigh their T's, but Aragog is currently 8.1 grams at 14 months old. Already almost the same size as my friend's adult Rose Hair Ts!

I'm going to wait until my giant is bigger to figure out what it is since everyone says hes not the Goliath he was sold to me as. Which that also doesn't matter because I'm thoroughly enjoying watching this guy (or girl) grow up. He stands on the front glass when he wants to be fed and still does well with handling, even though these photos are the fourth time holding him in the four months I've had him. No racing around or hair kicking, very calm. Not a big Harry Potter fan, but I decided to call him Aragog (or Mosag if a girl) since thats the only giant spider I could remember from movies or tv.
I don't think people usually weigh their T's, but Aragog is currently 8.1 grams at 14 months old. Already almost the same size as my friend's adult Rose Hair Ts!