Archnocat, I'm honestly not too sure how old the beastie is. I've had him for about a month or so as of now, and he's really pickin' up the pace where his growing is concerned.
I can shoot an email to the guy I purchased him from and see if he has any ideas as to about how old he'd be.
I got a pixie that was about the size of a quarter in Aug. Its now as big as ole Behemoth. The only difference is mine doesnt have the yellow on it. It croaks at night though Its funny.
I love the picture where behemoth is turning its head slightly!! CUTE
OldHag, that's awesome that your Pyxie is croaking! Males get HUGE and have quite the appetite! I've yet to hear good ol' Behemoth croakin', but Mammoth (my other male Pyxie) does it just about every night. Post some pics of your beastie! I'd love to see him.
Pretty Hate, hehe, yeah, he is quite the destroyer! Doesn't waste time when it comes to taking care of business. I'll try to get some shots next time I give him a rodent for a meal. Lately he's been getting B. dubia roaches and some night crawlers. Loves 'em!
Here's my little guy. He looks kind of evil in this pic. lol
I just put new substrate in. It's not normally that wet. I can't believe how much they can eat. He's only about the size of a quarter and today he ate three whole redworms, an adult cricket and a few small crickets. And I think he was still hungry!
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