My rescue . . . my friend


No this is Patrick
Old Timer
May 26, 2009
One day about a week before Christmas 2015 there was a story on the news about this lowlife beating his dog with a board and getting caught on video . He was quoted as saying " so , it's only a dog ". I don't know if I have ever been so disgusted . How can anybody be cruel to a defenseless animal ? I personally hope they keep hell extra hot for this guy . Anyway I was inspired to go down to the local ASPCA in make a donation . I thought i would pop in and pay a couple of bags of food or maybe cover the cost of a medical treatment for a needy dog . I always say that taking a negative and making it a positive is the best course of action . The girl at the desk was busy when I walked in so I thought I would mosey around until she was free . That's when i saw what looked like the the most frightened little dog that I have ever seen . She has just been picked up and this was her first day out in the adoption area . She was laying on the floor with her face pressed into the corner . I couldn't believe how hard she was shaking. This dog was absolutely scared to death . I decided I can't let this go on . It was Christmas and nobody should be petrified for the Holidays if if they are "just a dog" . I went to the desk and said that the dog in #7 is coming home with me . The girl handed me the paper work and I gave her the money and that was that as they say . She asked if I wanted to take the dog onto the get acquainted area and I said I don't need to get acquainted with my dog I want just to get her home . I didn't have any bowls or food or any dog stuff at all but that didn't matter . All that mattered was that I had my dog . Now here we are three months later and things are going just fine . That scared little dog seems like a distant memory . She is outgoing and friendly . She loves to play and run . She has become a great little dog and has proven to be the addition that my home needed . BTW , that guy from the news was sentenced last week . He received an eighteen month sentence and I think he deserves every minute of it . I hope he gets beaten every day that he is in lockup .
* this is actually how she sits ... this shot isn't posed .
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Dec 10, 2010
Amazing story... Thank you for this.

And for that other guy, I hope the guys that beat him up say "So what, it is only a human!".


Feb 25, 2016
Thank you for sharing and bless you for giving a good home to a dog who desperately needed one. Our animal friends more than pay us back, no? Just as much, they rescue us in many ways. :) I adopted my two kitties -- sisters -- from an animal shelter seven years ago (can't believe it's been that long!). They chose me as much as I chose them; one reached out her paw to me and when I got to hold her, rubbed her nose against mine and that was that. They are my joy. <3

I too hope that P.O.S. gets beaten every day he is in prison.

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Had a similar this AM. Riding a motorcycle slowly down a quiet back road. A couple of barks and out barrels this dog. Something subliminal triggered in my brain and I was just able to pull my kick slightly, barely grazing it's shoulder. Both paws on my leg, tail wagging a mile a minute, licking and nibbling. I pet it and plort, it's up in my lap trying to spin in circles.
I wasn't in a big hurry so we had a nice pettinghug time for several minutes before an apologetic owner came out and rescued me. Must make a point to drive past their place more frequently. A sweetheart dog and obviously loving owners is a valuable friendship.


Old Timer
Sep 15, 2014
Reading stories like this, makes me question why some people buy pets in the first place. The previous owner of the dog probably got the dog for free in a craigslist ad pretending he was a good owner. I know it is bad to say, but that guy being thrown behind bars is the best place for him to get a taste of his own evil, while they're at it, they should perform an exorcism on the guy because no normal human being would ever hurt an innocent little dog and think nothing of it. I am happy that dog is in a good home now, and that is what matters