My queen ant


Old Timer
Sep 15, 2008
May 3/09-Well i got a queen of the tetra species [pavement ant]and so ill be logging my experinces here!So far she is in a test tube setup and in a dark draw as i dont wanna distrub her.I will update next week or in three days.My queen laid an egg! May 9/09-Now there is three in counting!Well i boosted her with a pupae that had a leg comming out and now she has her first little worker!plus six eggs!I hope this colony grows big Btw i have three other queens and one actually colony for backup Anyway i have no clue as to what i should do wait till next year to make the inclosure?
Here are some pics sorry for bad quality ant eggs are hard to post a picture of they are the whitish blob near the entrance.And the last is of the two queens.



Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
hey man

here is a great trick for taking pics of little things like ants and tiny babies of other species.... a magnifying glass!

i am not kidding! you have to be careful not to clack the mag to the camera lens... but other than that, you just have to experiment a little bit to get good at it :)

the best mag to use is a double glass lens magnifier... you can can use the cheaper plastic lensed kinds, but they produced weird smears cuz they aren't usually as perfectly shaped as the glass lenses

hires (for fast connections)

lowres for slow connection

for still pictures it works even better

that centipede is in a ~5" diameter tupperware

one of his legs grows a new foot every time he molts

some of those toes are just a few mm long... and the hair is less than a mm long...and you can clearly see it.

i think if you got decent with this technique you could take even better pics and really document what is going on with your ants.

good luck