My P. Undatus... Multiplied? (Joking but...?)


Jun 5, 2021
I don't have an obvious explanation for this, though I'm sure there is some sort of rational explanation and I just haven't realized it yet. This post is NOT going to be about trying to make proof of "glitches in the matrix" and things like that, although sometimes I do wonder... 🤔 But this is more of a lighthearted albeit very confusing chat post about one of my P. Undatus slings that, apparently, asexually multiplied itself (again, sarcasm).

I went to check on my spiders and Ts a bit ago, got around to feeding one of my two P. Undatus (one is still a very tiny sling and nowhere near the same size of the one in question) and thought I was seeing something like a perfectly molted exuviae... Until it started moving?

I'm going to try and get some better pictures but this little container it's housed in is not photogenic. It originally housed my d. Diamantinensis sling but I rehoused it a few weeks ago.

All air holes on this thing are the size of a standard sewing needle, which I originally used to make the holes. I'm positive there is no way my p. Undatus could escape, let alone ANOTHER p. Undatus could just join and make itself at home with mine...

The cap screws on and I make sure it's on firmly for any of my enclosures with screw-on caps.

I'm sorry it's not a great picture but this is the best I can do for now 😅 I guess I need to set up another enclosure now... What a weird day!!


... Just last week I had another weird event that one might classify as a "glitch in the matrix", where I found an exact same second pair of undergarments that I have had for years, only one pair of! I'm willing to bet I had the second pair all along and just haven't had them side-by-side until last week, but it's funny how I would have gone several years without realizing it 😂


Jun 5, 2021
How did it get in there ?? :unicorn: :lol:
Your guess is as good as mine!! At the very least, I'm happy to report that one of them is slightly larger than the other (so no weird cloning happening here!), but if you asked me which one is the original I wouldn't be able to tell you!


Old Timer
Oct 13, 2011
Your guess is as good as mine!! At the very least, I'm happy to report that one of them is slightly larger than the other (so no weird cloning happening here!), but if you asked me which one is the original I wouldn't be able to tell you!
I thought only some scorpions and odd creatures could do it. . But a spider ? Never seen that before and I’ve kept lots of true spiders as a kid . :ninja: :wacky:


Jun 5, 2021
I thought only some scorpions and odd creatures could do it. . But a spider ? Never seen that before and I’ve kept lots of true spiders as a kid . :ninja: :wacky:
I think I've got a freak of nature here ;)

On a related note... It is much more difficult to rehouse ONLY one spider while trying to keep the other one in there!! I may have figured out that the slightly larger one must be the new miracle spider, because the slightly smaller one has been retreating to the web bed that was made there from the original/first spider.


Old Timer
Oct 13, 2011
I think I've got a freak of nature here ;)

On a related note... It is much more difficult to rehouse ONLY one spider while trying to keep the other one in there!! I may have figured out that the slightly larger one must be the new miracle spider, because the slightly smaller one has been retreating to the web bed that was made there from the original/first spider.
Catching a jumper isn’t an easy thing , they’re always jumping around ! :lol: :cricket:
It’s sad Pesticides have wiped out most of them ℹ haven’t seen one in years here in Ohio. The City sucks no bugs 🐛 .. not seen an orb weaver this year-either .


Jun 5, 2021
Catching a jumper isn’t an easy thing , they’re always jumping around ! :lol: :cricket:
It’s sad Pesticides have wiped out most of them ℹ haven’t seen one in years here in Ohio. The City sucks no bugs 🐛 .. not seen an orb weaver this year-either .
In my hometown (west central Illinois) I'd see a lot of p. Audax around & occasionally inside my house, but I move about 20 minutes away a few years ago and here it's a much smaller town in the country where I find p. Undatus nearly everywhere, but haven't spotted any p. Audax yet! It's really interesting how niche their preferred environments are.

I haven't seen a lot of orb weavers here either, but saw a lot of them around my childhood home growing up. I don't see many very often nowadays. We'd have them making some huge webs across the banners of our back porch, and when we'd get home at night I'd try to grab a moth from around the porch light and throw it in their webs for them lol. I'm sure they didn't need my help to eat but I always loved watching them vibrate their web and when they'd wrap up their prey.


Old Timer
Oct 13, 2011
In my hometown (west central Illinois) I'd see a lot of p. Audax around & occasionally inside my house, but I move about 20 minutes away a few years ago and here it's a much smaller town in the country where I find p. Undatus nearly everywhere, but haven't spotted any p. Audax yet! It's really interesting how niche their preferred environments are.

I haven't seen a lot of orb weavers here either, but saw a lot of them around my childhood home growing up. I don't see many very often nowadays. We'd have them making some huge webs across the banners of our back porch, and when we'd get home at night I'd try to grab a moth from around the porch light and throw it in their webs for them lol. I'm sure they didn't need my help to eat but I always loved watching them vibrate their web and when they'd wrap up their prey.
Yeah I tried keeping orb weavers in captivity but they didn’t do well for me. I didn’t have a proper enclosure large enough. So I leave them alone now , but haven’t seen any yet this year.
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Jun 5, 2021
Yeah I tried keeping orb weavers in captivity but they didn’t do well for me. I didn’t have a proper enclosure large enough. So I leave them alone now , but haven’t seen any yet .
I had briefly wondered if they did well captively, just out of curiosity. It makes sense to me that they'd probably want a large enclosure though, considering their nomad-esque ways... Do all orb weavers take down then rebuild their webs each day/night? I'll have to look that up!