My new T's


Sep 2, 2009
My T's Just got them for 1 week.. Everyone's settling in


The one tired to escape me when I was taking his pics.

He posed for a few then dashed to the edge. Before i could close the lid.

There he was.. On my hand. Then ran away to the underside of the couch,

Boy or girl???

His home(Day 7 after I got him)
I think he is going moult cos he built a silk curtain all around the entrance.

Telling me to go to sleep.. (2.00am)


My GBB. The one that just moulted. XD Can see the vivid colours now.

Still stress about her new home


Old Home. Nice webbings

But Molds and mites infestation just started.


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
congrats on the new Ts, wonderful choices. The OBT and the GBB are both right at the top of my list. And that GBB is absolutely stunning :drool:


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
thanks. what's your collection?
well right now I only have a B. smithi and an A. avicularia MM, but I'm hoping to expand my collection soon and OBT and GBB are on the top of my "want" list.


Jul 27, 2009
good looking Ts you have there.
im also planning to get a OBT and GBB in the future.


Sep 3, 2009
They eat good.seriously.. But my murinus is refusing food recently...
hello yltanisaac i've been looking into getting a P. mirinus cause i think they are really beutiful Ts and i love the way they web, and i was wondering if you could give me any first hand experience with this species. i've read care sheets from quite a few different websites so i've got all the info on care and all that, but i was wondering if you thoroughly enjoy this species and what you like or love about them. i was also wondering how much you paid and if you know of a reputible place to get em in the us or just any first hand tips that might not be mentioned in care sheets? any feedback would be greatly appreciated. thanks in advance:)


Sep 2, 2009
hello yltanisaac i've been looking into getting a P. mirinus cause i think they are really beutiful Ts and i love the way they web, and i was wondering if you could give me any first hand experience with this species. i've read care sheets from quite a few different websites so i've got all the info on care and all that, but i was wondering if you thoroughly enjoy this species and what you like or love about them. i was also wondering how much you paid and if you know of a reputible place to get em in the us or just any first hand tips that might not be mentioned in care sheets? any feedback would be greatly appreciated. thanks in advance:)
I cannot claim to be an expect in P.Murinus as I started off quite recently. But I chose it as my beginner T and it gave me a shock of my lifetime.

Not that my friend/seller didn't warn me but I insisted on buying them.
My experience with it are listed as follows, Please do refer to them as a guide to what to expect from them.

1. They are nocturnal T's. It comes out only at night while webbing intensively. They rather sit in the burrow at daylight, so the best time to catch them do their thing is that you stay up late.

2. My T is uber fast. Something like teleportation. I had one experience when i was taking photos of it. (the photos above) where it came up my hand in a split second, gave a threat pose and dash to my couch. **luckily i wasn't bitten**

3. They are voracious eaters. Mine is a bit choosy. Prefers to eat at night, once a week. Again, different individuals have different personalities though they are of the same species.

My advice

1. Nothing can prepare you for a P.murinus. Just have a calm mind and know the risk.
2. Have a reasonable sized container that allows it to roam and web. a hide or a large leaf is sufficient as it webs its own hide too. (mine uses the leaf)
3. Rehousing a P.Murinus is hell. Better find a place with lock doors, no furniture and 2 or 3 containers in handy to catch the T when it runs.
4. Put the cricks in the morning, when they are out of sight. Then check in the next morning whether they have eaten it. Opening the lid when they are roaming is not advisable. :)
4. Have the fun to observe this unique creature's personality and beauty. they are worth it. It's a real fun thing to watch. Personally, i admire their grace and speed. Watching them web is another wonderful experience.

Not to mention having adrenaline rushing to your veins when they get out.

All in all, it's a good T. Just respect them.

I hail from Malaysia so I am not so familiar with US pricing and dealers. But paul becker seems to have reasonable prices