about 3-4 days ago i had caught a phidippus audax (im pretty sure) in my windowsill, whom i named Johnny. i had caught him, and as currently housing him in a small pill capsule, as i dont really have the materials or availability to get a microhabitat. once Johnny had made his nest in the pill capsule, hes just been staying in there. he hasnt come out for water or food that ive tried to feed him. i have noticed his abdomen get smaller over the past couple days, and im worried he may not be adapting to his current home.
the first photo is when i first found him and the second was just now. apologies for a poor quality second photo, my camera has a hard time focusing sometimes.
the first photo is when i first found him and the second was just now. apologies for a poor quality second photo, my camera has a hard time focusing sometimes.
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