My new Maine Coon Cat "Cody"


Old Timer
Dec 11, 2006
I just got Cody two days ago. He is a purebred Maine Coon Cat from championship stock. He is 5 months old. He dad is a grandchampion and his granddad is a champion.

I have always wanted one of these cats, but because of my limited resources from living on disability I could never afford one.

I found on Craigs List a breeder in my area who was sick and getting out of breeding and showing her cats. Because Cody has a slight cold she was not interested in selling him. She just wanted to make sure he got a good home. I ended up getting Cody for just $50 which included his crate and of course all of his shots. I super lucked out. Maine Coons usually go for $600 and up. The wife and I could not afford any Christmas presents and such for each other because of low funds. We were pretty down about that. But, as usual God saw our plight and arranged this beautiful gift to lessen our dispair and bring us joy. Enjoy Cody's pics.


Old Timer
May 1, 2004
I just got Cody two days ago. He is a purebred Maine Coon Cat from championship stock. He is 5 months old. He dad is a grandchampion and his granddad is a champion.

I have always wanted one of these cats, but because of my limited resources from living on disability I could never afford one.

I found on Craigs List a breeder in my area who was sick and getting out of breeding and showing her cats. Because Cody has a slight cold she was not interested in selling him. She just wanted to make sure he got a good home. I ended up getting Cody for just $50 which included his crate and of course all of his shots. I super lucked out. Maine Coons usually go for $600 and up. The wife and I could not afford any Christmas presents and such for each other because of low funds. We were pretty down about that. But, as usual God saw our plight and arranged this beautiful gift to lessen our dispair and bring us joy. Enjoy Cody's pics.
WHAT pics??

I would love to see him, but I don't see any cat pics in this thread.



Old Timer
Dec 11, 2006
I am trying to put his pics up but I am having a problem. After I click on the upload button the the upload menu just goes blank.



Old Timer
Dec 11, 2006
I have some very sad news. After owning Cody for just a few days he suddenly died in my arms tonight. He was fine.

I was cuddling/brushing him when all of a sudden he let out a couple of huge gasps. His eyes rolled back and he went limp. For the very few days I had him I grew to love him very much. He was so friendly and loveable as well as being very beautiful.

I was so excited to get him as I have always wanted a Maine Coon Cat. On my limited disability income I could never afford one. God set this up and I got him from a breeder for just $50 who was getting out of the busines because she was ill and could not handle breeding and caring for that many cats anymore.

For the few short days I had him he showed me love and made me feel wanted. He filled me with joy.

Goodbye my friend. Even though we did not know each other very long, I will miss you very much. If there is such a thing as kitty heaven I know you are there.

I posted this in loving Memory of Cody.


Old Timer
May 14, 2005
thats sad.....i'm truley sorry to hear that. i know how cats can easily weasel their way into your heart.

god bless



Old Timer
Jun 4, 2006
That is so sad, and I guess you found the reason why he was so cheap.:(

If I were you I would get a background on this breeder, seems this cat had to be very ill to die like that, did you get an autopsy done? Apparently the breeder knew he had a health issue and didnt get him checked out?

I wouldn't buy from that breeder and I think all the cats that breeder has could potentially have health problems if yours died like this. If th breeder is ill and had too many cats, could he/she be a hoarder? If that is the case it's no wonder the cat wasn't healthy.

It's nice you tried to give the cat a loving home but honestly this usually doesnt happen to a well cared for cat/healthy cat and it would make me wonder.

Main Coons are prone to heart problems and sudden death, but a responsible breeder would know the signs of this and not try to breed a cat with these problems.

Here is some info I found.

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a disease of the heart muscle where the muscle of the left ventricle thickens and becomes stiffer than normal. In cats, it can cause heart failure, aortic thromboembolism, and sudden death. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy can be detected by cardiac ultrasound (echocardiography) between 1 and 7 years of age in Maine Coon cats.

A mutation in the gene that codes for cardiac myosin binding protein C has been shown to cause hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in certain genetic lines of the Maine Coon cat population.[1] Approximately one third of Maine Coon cats tested for the mutation have tested positive, although this population sampling is most likely biased. It appears that another mutation responsible for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is also present in the breed. Responsible Maine Coon cat breeders, in an effort to reduce the occurrence of HCM, now screen their animals both for the disease long-term (via echocardiography) and for the mutation and make this information available to potential pet buyers.

Until 1988, taurine deficiency was a common cause of dilated cardiomyopathy in all cats, including Maine Coons. Since the pet food industry started adding more taurine to cat food in the late 1980s, this kind of cardiomyopathy is rare. Taurine-related cardiomyopathy can be cured with the addition of the nutrient to the diet, but genetic hypertrophic cardiomyopathy causes a permanent thickening of the left ventricle and is not curable.

Sounds like he WASNT checked out for this.
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Old Timer
Jan 8, 2008
i'm so sorry for your loss...

sometimes things like this just happen... I work with a cat rescue, and one of our foster kittens came in as part of a litter of 8, 3 weeks old. one day when he was about 5 months old, he just got really sick all of a sudden. he was rushed to an e-vet, and tests showed that his heart was enlarged, had been since birth, which caused his lungs to develop abnormally... usually kittens like that die just days after birth, but Lennox was fortunate enough to have those few months, which was really rare... Things like this are sometimes out of our hands...

Anyways, there are plenty of cats that look just like maine coons that turn up in shelters. there is really no need to own a purebred, pedigreed cat unless you plan on showing it. If you just want a loving companion, might I suggest you take a look at your local shelter? Usually they have reasonably low adoption fees, and you can find the perfect pet. If you just visit the shelter, I'm sure you'd fall in love with a kitty there, and you'd be saving a life.


Old Timer
Jun 4, 2006
I'm sorry if I sounded mad to you, i'm not mad at you I feel really bad this happened.

I feel whatever this was could have and should have been picked up by the breeder. If the breeder knew your cat was ill at least say so to you before you buy it you know.


Old Timer
Dec 11, 2006
I appreciate everyone's support. Thank you very much. I sure do miss my kitty.
