i went to the pet store today and got me a birthday present....a new baby, bout the size of a quarter.maybe a little bit smaller...its SO cute.... they also have a usambara that is no bigger than a dime!
thanks...its on the 21st...and i keep my T's pretty well feed...this one needs to be feed, its kinda skinny...so i put a tiny cricket in just in case
i probably will be getting another T before the end of this month... i really wanted to get the singapore blue, but he just sold it the other day....plus, they have this TINY TINY usambura baboon...its really small...the smallest i have seen in a pet store...it was to cute!
Usumbaras are very fun as slings. I got one a couple of months back and he's been growing really fast and is a total psycho when it comes to feeding. I say go for it And congratulations on your king and happy birthday for the 21st!
i will try to get one soon! i need another camera, the one i was using wasnt mine...and i dont have a way to it anytime to soon...but i will most definitly try ..
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