My new dartfrog setup


Old Timer
Oct 14, 2007
Wow that looks so great!

For some reason I thought you can't keep different colours together, but I'm assuming I'm wrong. Are those all the same subspecies of dart frog? Also do you have a Phelsuma williamsii in there? If so, that's pretty neat that they can be kept together.

Forgive my dart frog ignorance, I'd love to keep them some day when we have more space, but for now I don't really know much about them.



Old Timer
May 17, 2008
Wow that looks so great!

For some reason I thought you can't keep different colours together, but I'm assuming I'm wrong. Are those all the same subspecies of dart frog? Also do you have a Phelsuma williamsii in there? If so, that's pretty neat that they can be kept together.

Forgive my dart frog ignorance, I'd love to keep them some day when we have more space, but for now I don't really know much about them.

Some of the larger dartfrogs will crush the smaller ones but most will coexist Yes they are Phelsuma williamsii and have 2 redeyes too. This 55Gallon setup is sweet.Have to wait for the fogger the one I got is defective:D


Old Timer
Jan 13, 2004
are those deadly? if so how do they get you "envenomated"
In captivity they lose their toxicity. Also, being Poison Dart Frogs, they would not "envenomate" anything. ;)

Also, to the OP...while your tank may LOOK nice, you're going to get flamed to high heaven if any Dendro-keepers see this thread......not only are you mixing Dart species, you've got wild caught Bumblebee Toads, Red Eyes & Geckos in there. Thats just a disaster waiting to happen. I'd be surprised if any of those animals are still alive in 6 months.


Old Timer
Jan 4, 2003
Nice tank and nice animals, I've had several tanks like these over the years and found them difficult to maintain. Please update the thread in a few months with how it looks, Id be curious to see, and I hope you have better luck than me. As well in my experience those exo terra water fall look nice when they are first set up but have alot of headaches of there own. ex.. if there not on the perfect angle they will leak water and you constantly need to fill it, eventually flooding out the tank.

Sorry for being Mr. Negative here haha.:wall:

Good luck, and I think you should add a nice tropical background on the back of the tank, it will totally change the appearance of the whole tank, and will be visually more appealing than seeing the wall and blinds in back of it.

Whatever that blue gecko is , its awesome.
Later, Tom


Old Timer
Oct 14, 2007
are those deadly? if so how do they get you "envenomated"
They're not venemous, therefore envenomation isn't possible. They are poisonous but if I'm not mistaken, only one subspecies is known to be really bad...or 'deadly'. In order to get sick from it you'd either have to lick it or handle one and then not wash your hands and put them in your mouth, or eat finger food or something.

EDIT: Ahh David beat me to it. Also, I forgot they lose their toxicity in captivity. Now that you've mentioned it, I remember reading it somewhere but it completely slipped my mind. My mistake :)



Old Timer
May 17, 2008
In captivity they lose their toxicity. Also, being Poison Dart Frogs, they would not "envenomate" anything. ;)

Also, to the OP...while your tank may LOOK nice, you're going to get flamed to high heaven if any Dendro-keepers see this thread......not only are you mixing Dart species, you've got wild caught Bumblebee Toads, Red Eyes & Geckos in there. Thats just a disaster waiting to happen. I'd be surprised if any of those animals are still alive in 6 months.
From what I have been told every thing I have in this tank should do just fine together they have plenty of room and lots of hides.


Old Timer
Jan 13, 2004
I guarantee that no responsible amphibian keeper will tell you that mixing Dart species with other herps is OK. Thats just ridiculous......but have fun with your critters now while they're still alive.


Old Timer
May 17, 2008
Nice tank and nice animals, I've had several tanks like these over the years and found them difficult to maintain. Please update the thread in a few months with how it looks, Id be curious to see, and I hope you have better luck than me. As well in my experience those exo terra water fall look nice when they are first set up but have alot of headaches of there own. ex.. if there not on the perfect angle they will leak water and you constantly need to fill it, eventually flooding out the tank.

Sorry for being Mr. Negative here haha.:wall:

Good luck, and I think you should add a nice tropical background on the back of the tank, it will totally change the appearance of the whole tank, and will be visually more appealing than seeing the wall and blinds in back of it.

Whatever that blue gecko is , its awesome.
Later, Tom
Will be adding background soon just got it up today. The last waterfall I had was fine just hard to keep clean. The small day gecko is Phelsuma williamsii


Old Timer
Jan 13, 2004
Dart Frogs are from South/Central America.

Phelsuma geckos are from Madagascar.

Each animal has a specific internal bioflaura that could be harmful to the other.

The Geckos, Bumblee Toads and lkely the tree frogs are wild caught....meaning they could easily carry internal parasites.

Bumblee Toads are toxic. You have them in with very sensitive Red Eye Tree Frogs and other Amphibians.

What part of this sounds like a good idea to you? Oh, I get it.....because it "looks pretty."


Old Timer
Oct 14, 2007
In captivity they lose their toxicity. Also, being Poison Dart Frogs, they would not "envenomate" anything. ;)

Also, to the OP...while your tank may LOOK nice, you're going to get flamed to high heaven if any Dendro-keepers see this thread......not only are you mixing Dart species, you've got wild caught Bumblebee Toads, Red Eyes & Geckos in there. Thats just a disaster waiting to happen. I'd be surprised if any of those animals are still alive in 6 months.
Okay, so different colours can't be kept together then? I thought I was crazy because I was sure I had read that somewhere. I was a little surprised to see the Phelsuma but like I said, I know nothing when it comes to these guys and even geckos and such.



Old Timer
Jan 13, 2004
Okay, so different colours can't be kept together then? I thought I was crazy because I was sure I had read that somewhere. I was a little surprised to see the Phelsuma but like I said, I know nothing when it comes to these guys and even geckos and such.

Color has little to do with it.....those are totally different species with different behavior types. Dart Frogs in general are very territorial and do not tolerate "intruders".....those Leucomelas frogs (the yellow & black ones) are especially bad about this. They will "bully" other frogs which is totally fine in the wild, but in a cage where the other frogs cannot get away is obviously bad. Although they might appear totally fine, the mere presence of another species of Dart Frog is extremely stressful for them, and will no doubt cause the death of most if not all of those frogs. Theres a good reason that Dart Frog keepers are sternly opposed to mixing species.

On top of all have the toxic Toads, Red Eye Tree Frogs (which are nocturnal which will disturb the diurnal Dart Frogs) and the Geckos.....basically, that tank is a cluster fornication.


Old Timer
Oct 14, 2007
Color has little to do with it.....those are totally different species with different behavior types. Dart Frogs in general are very territorial and do not tolerate "intruders".....those Leucomelas frogs (the yellow & black ones) are especially bad about this. They will "bully" other frogs which is totally fine in the wild, but in a cage where the other frogs cannot get away is obviously bad. Although they might appear totally fine, the mere presence of another species of Dart Frog is extremely stressful for them, and will no doubt cause the death of most if not all of those frogs. Theres a good reason that Dart Frog keepers are sternly opposed to mixing species.
I see, thank you for the information :) I just thought the different colours were different species. That's how little I know about these guys. I'd obviously do tons of research before getting into them because I'm sure they're not easy to maintain, but if I did right now it would just be a tease. Thanks again for the helpful information.



Old Timer
Jan 13, 2004
You're vey welcome Cass. :)

In actuality, Darts are very easy to maintan if setup properly....the only thing I found to be a bit of a "pain" about them is their food source (fruit flies for the most part) and their need to be fed just about every day. I am lazy & like my arachnids, lol. :D


Old Timer
May 17, 2008
Dart Frogs are from South/Central America.

Phelsuma geckos are from Madagascar.

Each animal has a specific internal bioflaura that could be harmful to the other.

The Geckos, Bumblee Toads and lkely the tree frogs are wild caught....meaning they could easily carry internal parasites.

Bumblee Toads are toxic. You have them in with very sensitive Red Eye Tree Frogs and other Amphibians.

What part of this sounds like a good idea to you? Oh, I get it.....because it "looks pretty."
This is my first tank like this (mostly have scorpions and Tarantulas ) from what I was told this setup was ok.I did not do this to "look pretty" I followed the advice I was given by someone who has been keeping herps & amphibians for more than 20 years.If you say that it was bad advice then what should I remove??


Old Timer
Jan 13, 2004
So, you dd absolutely no research of your own? You just took the word of one person? Unless that one person is a known authority on that particular animal or group of animals, that pretty foolish husbandry.

A simple search of Google would turn up all sorts of info on why mixing species like that is such a bad idea. Check out a website called Dendro-Board....its like this site, except for Dart Frog keepers. (

Let me guess....was the person who told you this was OK selling you the animals? If so, their motives were financially based and not geared towards the proper maintenance of your captives.


Old Timer
May 2, 2009
I don't know if it's all dart frogs, but at least some species get their poison from their diet of stinging insects. (mainly ants) They lose the defense on a fruit fly diet.

I'd love to do a set up of a dart frog species, but yeah, a lot of time feeding. I like my eight-legged critters that eat sparingly. :D:eek: