My new BCIs (info and pictures) enjoy!!!


Old Timer
Feb 28, 2007
Today I got my two boas (form go visit!!!).

One is male one is a female and they were both born on April 24th, 2008. So this month (not to the day) it would make them about 6 months old.

Information on the parents:

Dam: Salmon BCI

Sire: Kahl Strain Albino BCI

Kids Genetics:

Hypomelanistic (Salmon-Line)
100% Het Kahl strain Albino BCI

I have decided to name the male K.S.A. (Which stands for Kahl Strain Albino).

The female I’m going to name her Salmon which is what their mother is.

So both these babies are named after their parents. I usually wouldn’t name snakes but since they basically came with birth certificates how I could not name them lol.

On two note cards (one for each of them) Jimi (the great business man that sold me the snakes) wrote down when they shed and what/how many they were eating.
I think I’m going to continue doing this cause if I ever have any problems it will help me determine them right away or close enough in time.

The last food item K.S.A. (the male) ate on 8-27-08 was 1 F.T. FR. (which stands for frozen thawed fuzzy rat) so when I feed him in three to five days (which is Monday the 8th or after I make/receive and order from rodent pro.) I’ll give him one Hopper mouse.

The last food item Salmon ate on8-27-08 was 2 F.T. F.R. so in 3 – 5 days I’ll be giving her two hopper mice.

I’ll be decreasing the food item size they both ate last to something smaller because they are in a new environment so I want them to have an easier time getting the food down. Plus this is what Jimi said I should do lol.

Below are pictures of the birth certificates, the snakes them selves (K.S.A. is the darker one and Salmon is the lighter one), the bags they came in, and the bite K.S.A. gave me

Also, I forgot to mention that the female is actually in shed mode so that maybe the reason she isnt as nippy as her brother K.S.A. so she should be shedding soon probably within the month...


Will Hunting

Old Timer
May 22, 2008
Honestly, that last picture looks more like some kind of voodoo magic than a snake bite. ^_^

Beautiful snakes, though. If I wasn't so constrained on space, I'd definately be looking into one.


Old Timer
Jan 7, 2008
We purchased a salmon female BCI from JimiSnakes, and it is as sweet as can be. Very gentle and handleable from day one. Good eater, too.