I just wanted to show my only true spider,I got this about 3 weeks ago,i believe it to be Nephila madagascariensis, I may be wrong though.It is a really neat spider.It is a very vigorous eater,thats for sure!
From what I saw on "Buggin' with Ruud" the madagascar ones arent harmful to humans and are quite gentle. They also spin gold webs so that probably would be the giveaway. If you watch the opening credits to the show you can see one crawl up his face on its way back to home. Funny.
He has spun a web in a LARGE jar....he nails any crickets i drop in there.I want to build him a larger cage,or possibly see if he will start a web in this recess I have in my wall,and I will put a screen over the recess.It would give him about a 3'X 6' area.The guy i got him from has one that is as big as my hand!
If thats the "LARGE jar" you are keeping her in the pic its to small... The best is to let them loose in a large flower in your apartment/hose and let her build a web there... they thrive better then. Just tend to die easy when kept in enclosures.
Great spider . Keep us posted, i've always been told that they do poorly in captivity and they die really easily, but if yours is doing fine, then those are great news !!!!
i dont think Jars are too good, this spec does like ventilation, Like Metaldragon says, if you let them setup somwhere in your house they wont move from their web ever
That is the jar it was in for about 2 days.now,it is in a glass 5 gallon pickle jar, and the top is screen.It may not be enough ventilation though.Would it wander off if I place it in a large houseplant?
Oh,I didnt delete the image,i had a pic of my wife on there and she was in her birthday suite ,and photobucket deleted ALL my images.They should have only done the one!
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