My little photo shoot!


Jan 21, 2010
So my girlfriend got a fancy digital camera last weekend, and so of course the logical thing to do would be to take pictures of all my critters.

And to make it that much better, I just got the two T's I ordered today! My latest additions first:

Acanthoscurria geniculata - Giant White Knee - .25 inch (I put a cricket leg in there in case he wants to eat today, he's so small I think I'm going to get some fruit flies for him)

Grammostola Pulchra - Brazilian black - 1.25 inch

I got this Pamphobeteus sp. Platyomma at a LPS about 3 weeks ago. He had just molted the day that I got him, but he's 2" now and eating like a horse!

Got this 2.5" Psalmopoeus irminia - Venezuelan Sun Tiger at the same store as the Platyoma about a month and a half ago. He's made a nice little web hide that he covered in dirt, but you can see his abdomen through the hole. He has been off feed for about a week and a half and is looking very dull, looking forward to a molt from him soon, and perhaps after the molt he'll be out a bit more!

This is an update pic of my GBB who is also in pre-molt and stopped eating about the same time as the Venezuelan Sun Tiger. The new camera really shows off the amazing web it has going!

Unfortunately my OBT was feeling a bit camera shy, and we forgot to take a pic of his burrow, but he's eating like a cow and is currently at around 2" as well.

And last but not least, my first tarantula, my Avicularia Metallica, around 3-3.5" She wasn't feeling very camera friendly either, and the flash was hidden quite a bit by the leaves.

I'm really excited to have the Pulchra and Geniculata, waiting for that package to come was absolute torture! They are both very healthy looking, and am very happy to have gotten them from kenthebugguy. If you're looking to order something online, I recommend going to him for sure :)