Heres our 7 month old Nancy.. Shes either asleep or going bezerk, theres never an in between lol
She has a big gob as well, i had a sandwich once, was just about to take my first bite with her on the sofa, and she just sailed across infront of me, took the whole thing in her mouth, took in into the corner and munched away..
Yeah I hear you about the 2 speeds lol. Winston is finally out growing most of the berserk phase. He still has his moments. He was going nuts the other day and ran straight through our screen door. It didn't bother him at all, he just kept running outside like nothing happened. Cute dogs btw Moo and jeff!
lol thanks.. yours is a beast! Crazy huge... Their heads are solid as well, a couple of times ours has been on my lap, shes got excited and gone to look at me and shes cracked me on the chin with her thick skull lol, proper hurt but she didnt feel a thing!
As a little puppy she slept on our bed, and at 7 months she still does, wake up some morning and you cant get out of bed cos shes laying on your legs lol
Her tail as well, when shes proper wagging its like whiplash lol, very powerful
Yeah Yoda is the same way with his puppy speed. One minute he's sleeping and the next he's charging throughout the house. Only after about twenty minutes of running he slows down.
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