My Nacho is especially lovely, and though I took care of her for two years as if she were my own, trained her to 2nd level dressage, paid for all of her upkeep, etc, I do not own her, and she is currently being wasted out at pasture. She is so difficult to ride - oversensitive and overreactive - that she is quite dangerous and she is neither safe to ride nor good to sell. I worked VERY hard to get her as far as I did and she caused me much physical harm. :wall: Those pics are from when she was in my she's lost all of that muscle and looks rather ragged...her owner can't even catch her to trim her hooves.
She was a lot of fun, definitely. She taught me to be a very sensitive rider, though she was SOO tense that it was hard for me to relax on her and thus I learned some bad habits, but she was a good girl. She tried so hard even though she was so scared.
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