My Guide on Breeding Feeder Guppies at Home


May 18, 2013
Hello guys!!! Anyone of you want to breed feeder guppies at home , so that it will be more safe to feed your pets? Well here's my guide.
Things Needed :
Orchid Net or a net with holes
Five tanks
Daphnia or powdered fry food
Fish Flakes
Tubifex Worms
Aerator and hose
Live plants
Decorations (optional)
1.Buy your feeder guppies , the ratio of males to females is 1:3
2.Setup the tank
3.Add water into two of the tanks and place dechlorinator drops
4.Place all the feeder guppies into the main tank
5.Look for pregnant guppies it is easily identified by the gravid spot near its anal fin
6.Take out the pregnant guppy which is about to drop her fry ( the belly will look round and fat)
7.Place the orchid net into the breeding tank ( place the net on top of the tank then push the middle so that it will stretch downward be sure it is touching half of the tank)
8 Place the pregnant guppies into the orchid net in the breeding tank.
9.Setup the oxygen pump to do this you need to , attach the hose into the holes of the pump and attach the airstone into the hole of the hose and dip it in water.
10. Now you have a running airpump! , repeat this onto the main tank, and to the other tanks.
11 Feed the fishes 2-3 times a day.
12.Once you see frys in the breeding tank , take them out after a day , and place them into the rearing tank.
13. Feed your frys daphnia or powdered fry food twice a day , do not overfeed.
14.Now Enjoy your guppy breeding!
1st tank - Main tank
2nd tank - Breeding tank
3-4th tank - Rearing tank
5th tank - Hospital Tank
Tips and Warnings:
1.The females can be identified by a colorless color , while males are more colorful and thinner.
2. Do not overfeed
3.Clean the tank once it gets foggy
4.Remove uneaten food
5.Once a fish gets sick , remove it and place it on the hospital tank, look up sicknesses and cure on the net.
6.Good and clean water quality prevents sicknessess
7.Do not join the frys with the parents for they are going to eat them.
8.Feed tubifex worms to your female guppies to induce breeding.
Here's the pic of the orchid net which i use:
Main Tank:
Yey guppy frys:
gupp fry.jpg
If you have any questions , you can leave a reply or just pm me.
Happy Fish Breeding!
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cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
Back when I fed my turtles live food, I often would get a dozen guppies to toss in. I did nothing to help them except small amounts of food on rare occasion, including no extra heat. Because they were not frequently caught by the turtles, once they acclimated, they bred and bred. I did nothing and had baby guppies all the almost an annoying rate. They breed pretty easily IME.


May 18, 2013
Back when I fed my turtles live food, I often would get a dozen guppies to toss in. I did nothing to help them except small amounts of food on rare occasion, including no extra heat. Because they were not frequently caught by the turtles, once they acclimated, they bred and bred. I did nothing and had baby guppies all the almost an annoying rate. They breed pretty easily IME.
Umm try prekilled guppies so that your turtle will be abpe to catch it.My reeves had no problem catching it.yep they breed so fast!!

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
There were in there as much for asthetics as to give them a chance to "hunt". I have gone away from live food, been around 5 years...I hand feed (with a tweezers).

Funny though that I did notice there were some that weren't as wary, and they would get killed (there were 5 baby snappers), and others that, although bold, would never get caught. After many generations they just about all stopped being eaten. Kinda cool to watch the genetics change as the "dumber" ones were weeded out.

Good advise to not overfeed, mine were almost never fed, they fed on the scraps and the algae growing on the wood as they were picking on it a lot, and the waste. Live plants were picked at, too. When plant life was not available (which was much of the year) and the pickin's got slim, they would pull food apart while the turtles were eating, right out of their mouths. Near the end of the multi year experiment, they were harassingly aggressive with the turtles during feeding time. Their fear of the turtles was no longer evident, and despite bigger, more aggressive and significantly more accurate, the turtles never seemed to get them.

I also never took the babies out, there was cannibalism, but not as much as I expected as about 50% make it to adulthood anyway. Their resilient fish...I had no heat and zero filtration, they still flourished. Amazing how fat the females get before they "give birth".
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